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Tag "US policy in the Ukraine"

How Kiev Takes Kurt Volker for an Idiot

by Scott Humor Regardless of what the US’s new envoy to Ukraine, Kurt Volker, thinks of himself, he arrived to Ukraine to buy a Brooklyn Bridge, whether he wanted it or not. Among the aboriginals populating Kiev-Dnepropetrovsk-Tel-Aviv triangle, the favored scheme is a real estate fraud. It generally goes like this: we show you a great property with a sea view, you pay us money; after taking your money, we disappear leaving you to take

The beginning of a realization in the US elites?

John Mearsheimer just published a piece in Foreign Affairs entitled “Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault – The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin“.  It is a typical “establishment” piece in style and assumptions – along with some rather misleading statements about the war in Georgia – but I still recommend that you read it.  Here is the interesting excerpt: There is a solution to the crisis in Ukraine,
