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Tag "US elections fraud"

What’s goes around comes around, or How Russia and the US are trading punches, by Scott Humor

This article was first published by the Duran Three years ago someone’s video parody of a “Russian guy’s reaction” to a meteor falling over Chelyabinsk went viral.  “Russia Today” even included it into its reportage of how the Russian dashcam videos become internet sensations [2:24]. This 10 sec video had done more to project the toughness of Russians than all the fireworks of Vitaly Churkin’s diplomatic rhetoric.  Hands down, Churkin

The Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta

    Nov 5, 2016 With the Wikileaks release of thousands of emails belonging to John Podesta, very little is known in US society about Podesta himself. While he’s maintained a low profile, John Podesta is actually considered one of Washington’s biggest players, and one of the most powerful corporate lobbyists in the world. In this episode of The Empire Files, Abby Martin explores John Podesta’s political rise, his vast

Russian v. US Elections

by Steve Lendman Russia’s December 4 elections filled 450 State Duma seats, Russia’s Federal Assembly lower house. Claims of electoral fraud followed. All elections have irregularities. At issue is whether results are comprised. Election monitor Golos accusations were spurious. America’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funds it. It supports regime change in non-US client states. It backs opposition groups, conducts propaganda campaigns, and does openly what CIA operatives do covertly
