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Tag "US boneheads"

US Jarheads “Winning the hearts and minds” in Iraq

——- Commentary: What this testosterone-poisoned moron clearly does not realize is that these “fucking pussy cowards with their thumbs up their ass” (as he so delicately puts it when talking about, and to, the Iraqi Shia) have comprehensively defeated every single US tactic and strategy in Iraq and have won both the civil war and the war against the occupation.   It is rather pitiful to listen to this idiot calling

US Strategic Psyops are at it again…

Ali Khamenei is dying! Ahmadinejad is a Jew! Israel should nuke Iran! It sure looks like the boneheads at CIA & Co are off their meds again… That kind of silly stuff has never worked in the past, and it will not work in the future. What a waste of the US taxpayer’s money…
