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Tag "Ukronazi crazies"

Zelenskii in free fall

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] Well, that didn’t take too long.  Let me summarize what just happened in the Ukraine. Everything was looking oh-so-promising and then suddenly… First, Trump, Macron and Merkel apparently told Zelenskii that he had to sign the so-called Steinmeier formula, which basically spells out the sequence of confidence-building and de-escalation measures foreseen by the Minsk Agreements.  Now, you would be excused for thinking

The Ukronazis are turning on each other

This is really sweet: the Ukronazi crazies are now publicly turning on each other.  Today, I want to share with you a video (pretty long, 28min, no need to watch it all) with no subtitles.  I will just summarize what you will see.  A member of the Ukie Parliament, Tetiana Chornovol, decided to visit the volunteers currently blockading Novorussia to try to explain to them that if the Nazi-occupied Ukraine

An absolutely fascinating look into the mind of an Ukronazi

Note by the Saker: when “AB” send me a link with the subject heading “Outright Nazis” I was expecting some Ukronazi skinhead photos, or maybe a report about a Ukie death-squad.  Instead, I got an absolutely fascinating insight into not only the kind of delusional insanity which takes place in the minds of these Ukronazis, but also a look into the kind of propaganda which (US financed) Radio Liberty targets

Poroshenko’s address to Ukrainian people and people of the World in connection of 70th Anniversary of the end of World War II.

Note: the text below was posted on the official website of Poroshenko, but only in Ukrainian, not in English or Russian.  Which is especially interesting since it it addressed not only to the Ukrainian people, but also to the “world community”.  Thanks to “AA” who translated this from Ukrainian into English I can share with you this most interesting speech.  As you will see, Poroshenko wants to create an international
