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Tag "Ukraine SITREP by Baaz"

Ukraine SITREP August 16th, 2015 by Scott & BAAZ

Donbass Donetsk Novorossia 1. Today again non-stopping Ukrainian artillery strikes on civilians in Makeevka [source] 2. Full list of shellings in Makeevka [source] 3. Town Zhovanka, Donetsk, after Ukranian Arned Forces shelled it overnight August 13 – 14 2015 Images of horrible obliteration [source] Жованка после обстрела со стороны ВСУ 4. Terrible tragedy in Gorlovka. Severe intentional shelling of Gorlovka by NATO and Kiev junta armed forces. Video Последствия обстрела

Ukraine SITREP August 12th, 2015 by BAAZ

Ukraine 1. Adviser to Ukraine’s Minister of defense admitted that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have relocated heavy artillery to the front line in violation of the Minsk agreement (Source) Советник министра обороны Украины признал, что ВСУ перебрасывают артиллерию к линии фронта и нарушают Минские соглашения 2. America’s Dark History of Supporting Ukrainian Fascists and War Criminals By Andrey Panevin (Source) August 10th, 2015 – Documents declassified by the CIA under

Ukraine SITREP August 5th, 2015 by Scott

Planet Pluto is smaller than Russia. It’s a fact. Another fact is that the EU via Reuters is peddling the birth of a “Christian “Taliban” by a “maverick” battalion. I don’t understand Polish politicians. They lick the Hegemon’s boots like a popsicle, and once in awhile, out of blue, they stop licking, spit saliva full of shoe polisher and blurt out the truth. Like the Polish economist Zdzisław Sadowski saying

Ukraine Weekly SITREP by Baaz, May 10th 2015

New Developments Spot Report by OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM): Four incidents involving the SMM within last 36 hours (Source) On 1 May, the SMM was not allowed access to its observation post located 4km north-west of Shyrokyne (20km east of Mariupol) where members of the battalion on the ground took position (See SMM Daily Report 2 May, 2015). On 2 May, at 11:55hrs, en route to Shyrokyne, approximately
