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Tag "Ukraine analysis"

The Ukraine’s many ticking time bombs

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] While the Ukraine has mostly been out of the news, there were bigger stories out there, things have gone disastrously wrong under “Ze” (Zelenskii) and the Ukraine is now looking at several time bombs which could explode at any minute. Here is a partial list of problems which the Ze administration will have to deal with in 2021: (in no particular order)

Crisis News Ukraine Donetsk Syria 02.12.2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: The Ukrainian armed forces over the past week have redeployed to the contact line with Donbass 277 battle tanks and heavy artillery pieces, spokesman for the DPR Defense Ministry Eduard Basurin reported on Monday. Ukrainian military hardware is located at the separation line the areas of the cities of Gorlovka, Mariupol and

Ukraine Syria Turkey Crisis News November 28, 2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: The growing number of violations of the ceasefire regime in Donbass is caused by the lack of Kiev’ control over the territorial battalions, head of the DPR delegation at the Minsk talks, Denis Pushilin stated on Friday. The peaceful settlement of the conflict “are not the aim of the radicals in the
