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Tag "technology SITREP"

Made In Russia VIII

by Scott Humor As the story goes, someone was driving a European guest to Yakutsk from Magadan. After they took off for their journey, the passenger got concerned about the absence of a GPS/ GLONASS device, even after the driver explained that he didn’t need the device because he knew the route well. Just to calm his passenger down he got his GLONASS device from a glove compartment, plugged it

Technology SITREP: Russian pilots in Syria employed a unique anti-tank bomb

Source: April 19, 2016 Translated by Eugenia During the fighting in Aleppo, the Russian pilots tested a self-navigating aerial bomb capable of destroying any modern armored vehicle. Designed by Russian military engineers, modernized action elements SPBE-D for the aerial bomb RBK-500 are capable of selecting a target and destroying it with one hit. “Syria became a polygon for testing the Russian weapon systems. From the beginning of the Syrian

Technology SITREP: the Iskander-M Operational-Tactical Missile System

I have often said that when the East Europeans agreed to deploy the US “it is against Iran but really it is against Russia” anti-missile system all they did was paint a big bullseye on themselves.  This is not quite so, in reality they painted not one, but two big bullseyes on themselves.  The first one are the Russian Spetsnaz forces, but that is not the one I want to

Technology SITREP: Russia deploys the most advanced air-defense systems on the planet in Syria

Check out this footage from Ruptly: What is interesting here is that besides the famous S-400 ‘Triumf’ system this video also shows footage of the point air defense system Pantsir and that the title identifies this as the Pantsir-S2 version.  This is important because the S2 variant is the most advanced version of this already formidable system. You can think of the Pantsir as an “engagement cupola” with a 40km
