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Tag "stupidity"

US Jarheads “Winning the hearts and minds” in Iraq

——- Commentary: What this testosterone-poisoned moron clearly does not realize is that these “fucking pussy cowards with their thumbs up their ass” (as he so delicately puts it when talking about, and to, the Iraqi Shia) have comprehensively defeated every single US tactic and strategy in Iraq and have won both the civil war and the war against the occupation.   It is rather pitiful to listen to this idiot calling

After fake terrorists, now fake spies?!

I am reading the official affidavit of the FBI (see here and here) and I can’t believe the nonsense I am reading. First, the “super-dooper secret agents” are charged with a) not registering as agents of a foreign government and b) money laundering. Yep, no charges of spying. Then, it get better. According to the affidavit, the FBI decrypted a “super-dooper secret message” from Moscow explaining to the apparently clueless

A rather ridiculous article in Ha’aretz

Since the beginning of the Israeli assault on Gaza, Ha’aretz has done a fairly decent job covering the war; its analytical pieces are, in particular, often interesting and well written. But today, spurred no doubt by a need to publish some feel-good fluff for its readers, Ha’aretz published a truly ridiculous piece called In pictures: Tens of thousands attend pro-Israel rallies in Europe, NY. This short piece is accompanied by

Is Hamas capable of accepting such a monstrosity?

Various sources are reporting that Israel is considering “accepting the principles” of a ceasefire plan backed by the USA and Egypt. Get this: the plan does not even *mention* Hamas by name and it would be the PA (Abbas’ Fatah) which would sign the plan on the Palestinian side. Yes, you read that correctly. Let me repeat: The Palestinian franchise of the Shin Bet a.k.a. the “Palestinian authority” would sign

Olmert plays “tough guy” in photo op

Take a look at the photo the Israeli government has just released: Olmert is visiting and Israeli Air Force base and is trying on a pilot’s helmet. Is that the Israeli version of Dubya’s landing on an aircraft carrier off the California coast? A lawyer fancying himself as a member of the “elite” (read:civilian murdering) IAF. How pathetic and lame can those politicians get?

More fallout from the botched US raid on Syrian village

The shit is hitting the fan after the botched US raid on the Syrian village near the Iraqi border and even nominal US allies such as the Maliki government and even Fouad Siniora (!!) in Lebanon are condemning this aggression. Other protesting voices include Qatar, the OIC, the Arab League, Russia and China. Even the otherwise ‘tame and lame’ EU “voiced concerns” about this raid (which just goes to show

Yet another botched US raid?

Take a look at this al-Jazeera report about the US raid in Syria: From the information slowly trickling in it appears that the US SNAFUed this time again. The fact that any footage at all is coming from this village shows that there was nothing of any kind of value there, be it people or infrastructure. Then the accounts by the civilian victims also points to some rather pathetically inept

Colin Powell takes the prize for the lamest endorsment ever

I just came across the transcript of Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barak Obama. Take a look: “So when I look at all of this and I think back to my Army career, we’ve got two individuals, either one of them could be a good president, but which is the president that we need now? Which is the individual that serves the needs of the nation for the next period of

A bad case of “sour gefilte fish”: Humiliated Zionists threaten left and right

(Thanks to Mari for these two articles) Israel accused of threatening Lebanese by phone Lebanon protests to United Nations against Israeli ‘threatening phone calls’ to Lebanese. BEIRUT – Lebanon’s new telecommunications minister on Thursday accused Israel of bombarding Lebanese people with threatening phone calls, a day after a prisoner swap between Israel and Hezbollah. “Hundreds of people throughout Lebanon received threatening phone calls on their landlines from Israel,” Gibran Bassil

Are Congress Democrats demanding a war with Iran?

On May 20th I reported that Ehud Olmert told Nacy Pelosi that the USA should impose a naval blockade on Iran. Back in Washington, the rabidly pro-Israeli Pelosi immediately got to work and less than a month later H.CON.RES 362 was introduced by a New York Democrat (what else?) and with no less than 146 co-sponsors. Predictably, AIPAC was a key supporter of the resolution. Take a look at the

The Mayor of Kabul threatens Pakistan with war (UPDATED)

According to the BBC, the “Mayor of Kabul”, a.k.a Khamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan, has threatened Pakistan by warning that he would send “troops across the border” to “confront militants based in Pakistan” adding that when militants crossed over from Pakistan to kill Afghans and coalition troops, his nation had the right to retaliate in “self-defence”. There is, of course, a reason why the always elegant “Armani President” Karzai is

Europe is just pathetic

I just finished reading the joint US-EU summit declaration adopted today in Slovenia. After reading it words like lame, myopic, spineless, clueless, obtuse or plain stupid immediately came to my mind. I will spare you the details of the text, you can check them for yourself, but the bottom line is simple: the EU is totally and shamelessly adopting the US stance on every single issue. This total surrender to

Good commentary by Ken Olbermann

Note: while we can commend Olbermann for ripping Dubya into shreds for all his idiocies, I do not think that we should expect him to equally denounce Dubya for saying, for example, that there are 307 million Isarelis (nevermind that he never got a mandate from the 300 million Americans to say so and nevermind that Israel and the USA are not even bound to each other by any kind

Poll: Majority of Voters Support Iran Strike

Rick Moran A new Zogby poll out today shows that 52% of likely voters would support a strike against Iran to prevent them from building nuclear weapons. Another 53% believe it “likely” that such an attack will take place before the next election: Democrats (63%) are most likely to believe a U.S. military strike against Iran could take place in the relatively near future, but independents (51%) and Republicans (44%)

The Real Iraq-Vietnam Analogy

Empire Note by Rahul MahajanIt’s not very interesting to take apart the latest bizarre rhetorical gambit from the White House – analogizing Iraq to Vietnam in order, strangely, to argue against withdrawal, on the grounds that allegedly premature withdrawal in 1975 led to bloodbaths in Vietnam and Cambodia and that the same thing could happen in Iraq. There was, of course, no bloodbath in Vietnam after the North Vietnamese victory
