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Tag "South Front"

String Of ISIS Attacks Continues In Syrian Desert

South Front Since the start of the week, the Syrian Army has repelled several ISIS attacks on its positions in the desert in central Syria. The most recent attack took place in eastern Homs early on July 2 and became the largest one so far. Clashes lasted for several hours and Syrian troops even called for support from the Russian Aerospace Forces. Pro-opposition media claim that up to 10 soldiers

Syria Prepares For Military Confrontation With Turkey In Northeast

South Front The Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces have put their forces on high alert in response to the new round of aggressive actions by the Turkish Army and its proxies in northeastern Syria. Several convoys of government forces, including several T-62M battle tanks and a number of trucks equipped with heavy machine guns, deployed to the countryside of Ayn Issa after intense Turkish artillery strikes on positions

Internal Tensions Do Not Stop Militants From Provocations In Southern Idlib

South Front Late on June 30, fighting resumed near the villages of Kansafrah, Al-Ruwayha and Bayanin in southern Idlib between the Syrian Army and Turkish-backed militants. Intense artillery shelling also targeted positions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham across the Jabal Al-Zawiyah area. Pro-militant sources claimed that the Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces tried to advance there, but were forced to retreat after several hours of clashes. In their own

Houthis Captured 400km2 From Saudi-backed Forces In Central Yemen

South Front The Houthis have captured over 400km2 from Saudi-backed forces in their recent advance on the administrative border of the Yemeni provinces of al-Bayda and Marib. According to Brigadier General Sare’e, a spokesman for the Armed Forces loyal to the Houthi government, the most intense clashes took place in the Soq Qaniya area, where Houthi forces captured a large number of weapons, ammunition, vehicles and artillery pieces left behind

Russian Private Military Contractors Took Control Of Libya’s Largest Oil Field

South Front Washington is concerned by the growing Russian influence in Libya as Turkish-led forces are preparing to storm the port city of Sirte, controlled by the Libyan National Army. On June 26, the US embassy in Libya released a statement claiming that it condemns a “foreign-backed campaign to undermine Libya’s energy sector and prevent the resumption of oil production.” The statement said that the US shares the “deep concern”

Idlib Militants Use Battle Tanks To Kill Each Others Under Turkish Nose

South Front ISIS announced a new series of attacks against the Syrian Army in the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert. According to the terrorist group’s news agency Amaq, ISIS cells ambushed an army unit near the town of al-Sukhna killing 2 soldiers, injuring a third one and capturing a vehicle. This attack became the second successful ISIS raid in the desert area in less than a week. The previous one took place

Militants Launch Massive Drone Attack On Russian Airbase In Syria

South Front Late on June 22, Russian air defense units repelled a massive drone attack on Russia’s Hmeimim air base in Syria. According to local sources, Russian Pantsir and Tor systems launched almost two dozen missiles at unmanned aerial vehicles launched by militants from the southern part of the Idlib de-escalation zone. Syria’s state-run news agency SANA reported that Syrian air defenses were also activated in the Jableh area of

Idlib Al-Qaeda Promotes Its ‘Successes’ In Fight Against Syrian Army

SouthFront The Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces are amassing their troops and equipment near the town of Ayn Issa in northern Raqqah. This town, located near the crossroad of the M4 highway and the Sanliurfa-Raqqah road, has been the target of Turkish expansionist efforts for a long while. Nonetheless, the Turkish Army and its proxies failed to capture it during the active phase of their Operation Peace Spring

String Of Attacks On US Forces And Facilities Continues In Iraq

South Front Last night, two rockets struck the Green Zone in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. The heavily fortified area houses some of the main Iraqi government offices and the US embassy. There were no immediate reports about casualties. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Earlier, Saraya Thorat Al-Ashrin Al-Thani, one of Iraq’s many anti-US groups, which have surfaced since the start of the year, released two videos

Syrian Army Repelled Militant Attack In Southern Idlib. US Air Force C-130 Plane Crashed In Iraq

South Front The Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces have repelled an attack on their positions in southern Idlib. On June 8, forces of the Ghurfat Eamaliat wa-Harid al-Mu’minin coalition of al-Qaeda-linked militant groups stormed the villages of Tanjarah and Fattirah. Militants captured the villages and reportedly killed at least 2 soldiers and destroyed a BMP vehicle. Clashes continued till the evening, when government forces finally retook the area.

Egypt Sends Battle Tanks To Libyan Border As Haftar Forces Retreat Under Turkish Strikes

South Front The Turkish involvement in the Libyan conflict allowed the Government of National Accord (GNA) to turn the tide of the battle of Tripoli and even develop further success by expanding control over a notable chunk of northern Libya. After capturing Tripoli International Airport last week, GNA forces and Syrian militant groups with a direct support from the Turkish Armed Forces forced the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by

Israel Strikes Sensitive Targets In Syria. IEDs Explode Near Turkish-Russian Patrol

South Front Early on June 5, the Israeli Air Force conducted strikes on a Syrian military facility near Masyaf. The strikes were conducted from Lebanese airspace. The Syrian Air Defense Forces intercepted several missiles, however the rest hit their targets. The bombed facility, which is run by the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center, is reportedly involved in the development and manufacturing of missiles. Two improvised explosive devices exploded near

Turkish-led Forces Capture Tripoli Airport And Advance Even Further

South Front On June 3, the Turkish-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) announced a military offensive to capture Tripoli Airport from the Libyan National Army (LNA) and push the LNA back from the southern suburbs of the city of Tripoli itself. GNA fighters and members of pro-Turkish Syrian militant groups supported by the Turkish military attacked the airport from the southern and western directions and in the evening of the

Syrian Air Force Received Batch Of MiG-29 Jets From Russia

South Front Russia has intensified its military involvement in the Syrian conflict. On May 30, Syrian state media announced that it had received a batch of MiG-29 multirole fighters from Russia. Damascus did not provide details regarding the number of the received jets, but said that they are entering service with the Syrian Air Force on June 1. They are set to conduct regular patrols in Syrian airspace. Prior to

US Department Of State Is Butthurt By SouthFront Work, Once Again

South Front The fog of war over the censorship of SouthFront on YouTube and Facebook has cleared away. As we wrote earlier, SouthFront was attacked because of our coverage of the developing COVID-19 crisis. The US Department of Defense accused SouthFront of spreading “disinformation”, “global mistrust and confusion”. “So the first — and I think the most pernicious disinformation that we have to contend with is the disinformation that is

Netanyahu Claims “Depots Full Of Iranian Weapons” Destroyed In Syria

Syrian War Report – Jan. 14, 2019: Netanyahu Claims “Depots Full Of Iranian Weapons” Destroyed In Syria Early on January 12, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) carried out an airstrike on Syria. According to reports, Israeli warplanes, coming from the direction of Galilee, fired several missiles at a depot in the Damascus International Airport. The Syrian Air Defense Forces reportedly intercepted at least 8 of them. Following the airstrike, Israeli

YPG Invites Syrian Army To Manbij

Syrian War Report – Dec. 28, 2018: YPG Invites Syrian Army To Manbij On December 28, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) released an official statement inviting the Damascus government to assert control of the areas, from which YPG units had allegedly withdrawn, in particular Manbij. The YPG added that the decision is caused by the Turkish threat and that the group will concentrate its efforts on combating ISIS. Syrian

Syrian Army Is Set To Respond To Any Future Israeli Attacks

Syrian War Report – Dec. 17, 2018: Syrian Army Is Set To Respond To Any Future Israeli Attacks   The Syrian Armed Forces will respond by force to any Israeli attack on its bases as a part of new policy, which was adopted by the Syrian leadership following the incident with the Russian Il-20 plane last September, the Kuwaiti al-Ra’i newspaper reported on December 15 citing a high-ranked Syrian official.

Russia-Ukraine Black Sea Military Crisis: On The Brink Of War On November 25, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) Border Service was forced to open fire on and damage Ukrainian warships, which were carrying out hostile actions and advancing in Russian territorial waters in the Black Sea off Crimea. After the short close-quarter firefight, two Ukrainian ships were taken towed and one ship escorted by Russian forces to the Russian port of Kerch. The Ukrainian side said that 6
