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Tag "South Front"

Russian Warplanes Pounding Turkish Proxies In Greater Idlib

South Front On December 24 and 25, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a series of airstrikes on positions of Turkish-backed militant groups in northern Lattakia. A large part of the airstrikes targeted the outskirts of the town of Kabani. Photos shared by opposition activists show smoke rising from several hills in the town’s vicinity, where a complex network of tunnels, trenches and fortifications were built over the

Guardians Of Space Camels

South Front In a revelation that should have happened on April 1, but actually happened on December 18, the United States Space Force finally revealed the name with which its troops are to be referred as: Guardians. Now, the Space Force not only has the logo taken from Star Trek, but is also testing its luck with playing with the superhero film “Guardians of the Galaxy”. According to the Pentagon,

Russian Forces Establish Presence On Syrian-Iraqi Border

South Front Over the past weeks, the Syrian Army and its allies have intensified their operations against ISIS cells hiding in the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert. According to pro-government sources, during the past few days, Syrian government forces and Iranian-backed militias carried out a series of raids to the south of the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor highway and southeast of al-Mayadin. Pro-militant media outlets clam that over 10 Syrian soldiers and 15 ISIS

Biden’s Pyrrhic Victory

Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson As predicted, the election turned out to be considerably closer than most pundits and polls predicted. In spite of polling that suggested Biden leading Trump by a margin of 5%-15%, in actuality the popular vote margin of victory turned out to be more in the vicinity of modest 3%, a remarkably lackluster showing on the part of a veteran

Clashes Between Armenian And Azerbaijani Forces Resumed In Nagorno-Karabakh

South Front Last weekend was marked by a new round of military escalation between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. On December 12, Azerbaijan attacked the villages of Khtsaberd and Khin Taher, which were in the hands of Armenian militia units. After a series of clashes with the Armenians, they established control of Khtsaberd and deployed in the vicinity of Khin Taher. On December 13, Armenia claimed that

Turkey, Azerbaijan Lay Claim To Yerevan, Dream Of Capturing Entire Caucasus

South Front The Second Nagorno-Karabakh war ended, but the hard times for the Armenians do not seem to be nearing end anytime soon. On December 10th, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gifted Azerbaijan with the great honor of hosting him as a special guest at Baku’s “Victory Parade”. Turkish and Azerbaijani troops accompanied by various equipment, including those captured from Armenians, marched through the Azerbaijani capital as the Sultan-in-Chief and

Kurd Runner 2020

South Front The situation in the northern Syrian provinces of Aleppo and al-Hasakah is once again escalating amid speculations on the upcoming Turkish advance in the area. In recent weeks, the Turkish military and its proxies increased the intensity of strikes on positions of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and even on nearby positions of the Syrian Army along the contact line in the northeast of Syria. For example,

Israel Weaponizes WhatsApp. Iranian Twitter Warriors Eliminate Top Mossad Officer

South Front Israel has weaponized the WhatsApp messaging application to terrorize Syrian officers deployed in the south of the country, near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. According to reports, messages were sent from a number hosted in Cyprus to mobile phones of officers that allegedly have ties with Lebanese Hezbollah. “Hezbollah and Iran are taking advantage of you to operate on the border against Israel, you bear responsibility and you won’t

Second Karabakh-War Reshapes Transport Corridors In South Caucasus

South Front The Second Nagorno-Karabakh War not only led to a shift of the military political balance of power in the South Caucasus, but the agreements reached to put an end to it would potentially greatly reshape transport links, and thus freight and passenger flows in the region. The deployment of Russian peacekeepers to Azerbaijan, the growth of Turkish-Azerbaijani cooperation and the decline of the project of the Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh

Trump Administration Fights Iran In Middle East As Qods Force Expands In U.S. Backyard

South Front The United States and Israel are preparing for even more military action against Iran following the assassination of prominent nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, in the countryside of Tehran last week. The Israeli Defense Forces and the United States have already stepped up coordination mechanisms to react to what Israeli media likes to call ‘non-motivated aggression’ by Iran. The accepted measures reportedly include procedures for joint detection of missile

Chicken Kiev Meets Cold Turkey: Black Sea Axis Emerges?

South Front Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson On the face of it, an alliance between Turkey and Ukraine seems like a rather odd creation, yet one that may surprisingly durable simply because neither country has anywhere else to turn. What practically dooms them to a partnership if not an outright alliance is their unenviable geographic and geopolitical position of occupying the strange “no man’s

Map Update: Military Situation In Nagorno-Karabakh On November 30, 2020

A brief overview of the recent developments in Nagorno-Karabakh: On November 29, Russian peacekeepers established a special-purpose medical field hospital in Stepanakert; On November 29, Russia transferred military equipment and ammunition to Karabakh using via the Yalama-Baku-Yevlakh-Barda railway in Azerbaijan; As of November 30, Russia reported that more than 24 hectares of land and about 8 kilometers of roads were cleared from mines and IEDs and 750 explosive objects were

Map Update : Military Situation In Syria On November 30, 2020

A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria: On November 29, 3 civilians were wounded in an IED explosion in al-Harak town; On November 29, the first batch of residents of the “Yarmouk Camp” in Damascus began to return to their homes; On November 29, a civilian was killed and 5 others were wounded in a car bomb explosion in Jisr al-Shoghur; On November 30, Russia reported that Idlib

War Ended, But Armenia Still Suffers Losses. Azerbaijani Troops Enter Largest Armenian Gold Mine

South Front This week, the Armenian leadership has reached an unprecedented height in its state management achievements. Prime Minsiter Nikol Pashinayan and his government did not stop at the successful campaign to undermine the Armenian regional position and the epic loss in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War. Now, they are losing their largest gold mine, which was controlled by the Armenians for the last few decades. On November 26, Azerbaijani troops

Israel Enjoys Last Weeks Of Love With Trump. Azerbaijan Controls Kalbajar District In Karabkah

South Front On November 25, Azerbaijani troops entered the district of Kalbajar in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The district was handed over to Baku under the ceasefire deal reached between Armenia and Azerbaijan to put an end to the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War earlier in November. In total, Armenian forces were set to hand over the following districts: Agdam, Kalbajar, and Lachin, excluding the Lachin corridor. Agdam and Kalbajar are already in

Azerbaijani Troops Enter First Of Districts That Are Set To Be Returned Under Karabakh Deal

South Front Late on November 19, Azerbaijani troops started entering the district of Agdam in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. Agdam is one of the districts surrounding the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic that Azerbaijan lost to Armenian forces after the collapse of the USSR, as a result of the First Karabkah War. On November 20, the district is set to be fully transfered to Azerbaijan under the

Israeli Wings Over Syria. Trump’s Farewell Strike On Iran

South Front The Israeli Air Force is once again bombing targets in Syria amid growing turbulence in the Greater Middle East. Early on November 18, the Israeli Air Force conducted a series of strikes on targets in Syria. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) claimed that the strikes hit “warehouses, command posts and military complexes, and batteries of surface-to-air missiles” belonging to the Syrian Army and the Iranian Quds Force. In

Ugly Truth Behind Devastating Armenian Defeat In Karabakh Was Revealed

South Front Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan led Armenian forces to collapse in the Nagorno-Karabakh war and lost Shusha because he was refusing to accept Russian peacekeepers and allow displaced Azerbaijani citizens to return. This was revealed by Russian President Vladimir Putin during answers to media questions on November 17. “On October 19-20, I had a series of telephone conversations with both President Aliyev and Prime Minister Pashinyan. And then

Russian Karabakh And Other Consequences Of Armenian-Azerbaijani War

South Front Results of the Nagorno-Karabakh war continue shaping the balance of power of the South Caucasus. The ceasefire regime established as a result of the Russian diplomatic intervention and the deployment of the Russian peacekeeping force in the region nears the end of its first week. As the outcome of the war, Azerbaijan achieved an important victory over Armenian forces and seized the symbolic Armenian stronghold of Shusha. Baku

Russia Returns To Power Game In Red And Arabian Seas

South Front For the first time since the collapse of the USSR, Russia is establishing a naval base close to vital maritime supply lines. The Russian government revealed on November 11 that Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved a draft agreement on creating a naval logistics base in Sudan and gave instructions to submit a proposal to the president on signing the document. The draft deal was submitted by the Defense
