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Tag "Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich"

Azerbaijan: The High Cost of Protection

by Soraya Sepahpour-UlrichA 2009 U.S. embassy political dispatch compared Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to a mafia crime boss. An apt comparison given that Aliyev and the Azeri political elite have been living under the protection of the Capo Crimini – Israel. The protection does not come cheap; and the manufacture of the recent lie — the arrest of 22 Azerbaijani citizen allegedly “trained in Iran” to carry out terrorist acts

Can Russia Save the Day?

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich “You are my creator, but I am your master—obey!” So said the Monster to its creator Frankenstein(1). As with the monster and its creator, we witness once again Israel telling America to obey – to start yet another war of choice and massacre Iranians. For over six decades, Israel has demanded full obedience from the United State. Every U.S. president, pressured by the pro-Israel lobbies in the

Rude Awakening!

by Soraya Sepahpour-UlrichEyes fixed on Egypt, the consensus is that we are witnessing a global awakening. Mesmerized by the crowds, mainstream media reports, and ‘pundits’ analysis, we have abandoned our ability to think critically — we fail to ask the right question: Why is the mainstream media in the U.S., the propaganda apparatus of the State and interest groups, condemning the Egyptian leader — America and Israel’s most subservient ally?
