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Ukrainian special forces team caught near Donetsk

RT is reporting that 3 officers of the most elite anti-terrorist unit in the Ukraine, they are called “A” or “Alpha”, were caught in the city of Gorlovka, near Donetsk.  Read the full article and watch the video of their interrogation by reporters here.Now let me provide some context here.The Ukrainian SBU is a truly frightening secret service.  Ever since it’s foundation following the independence of the Ukraine the SBU

The French newspapers are really ridiculous…

This is the front page of the French magazine Le Figaro: That’s right – a Dubya-style “mission accomplished”.  It took these folks 32 hours to get a single guy.  And they got at least three colleagues shot in the process… Even the excuse “we were told to get him alive” is not credible.  There are plenty of “special technology weapons” which can be used to catch an armed terrorist which,

NATO botches operation to kill Gaddafi

Another NATO SNAFU: they wanted to kill Gaddafi, but ended up killing one of his sons, and three of his grandchildren.  Now everybody repeat after me: No, this is not terrorismNo, this is not terrorismNo, this is not terrorismNo, this is not terrorism(keep repeating until convinced)

Dubai seeks Israeli prime minister’s arrest over murder of Hamas militant

The AFP reports (via Raw Story) Dubai police said Tuesday they are seeking the arrest of Israel’s prime minister and the head of its spy agency over the murder of a top Hamas militant in a hotel room of the Gulf city-state. Police chief Dahi Khalfan said he had issued the demand for the arrest warrants as he was now certain they ordered the Cold War-style hit on Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

Latest Israeli FUBAR shows Mossad as incompetent as IDF (UPDATED!)

Next to the myth about the “invincible Tsahal” (or IDF), the myth of the almighty and all-knowing Mossad is one of the favorite canards of the corporate media. Well, since Israel did not win a single war since 1973 and since up to about 40’000 Israeli soldiers, sailors and airmen were comprehensively, and embarrassingly, defeated by about 1’000 Hezbollah 2nd tier infantry soldiers (the best one had been kept north

Israel’s latest SNAFU

You all heard the story: the Israelis got pissed-off at Turkey for showing a TV show which they don’t like, they decided to humiliate the Turkish envoy to Israel with some totally immature antics (sitting him on a lower chair, only putting a little Israeli flag on the table and by, quote, “not smiling” – at least on camera). This time, the customary arrogance of the “Jewish state” ended up

The USA has lost yet another war – has anybody noticed?

One of the most inept war launched during the so-called GWOT (Global War on Terror) was the CIA-run war on the Islamic Courts in Somalia. Using a combination of Ethiopian troops, CIA goons and Special Ops, the USA invaded Somalia and took control of Mogadishu. Well, its over. The Ethiopians have left and the Islamic Resistance is back on control. Yet another useless war initiated by the USA ends up

Gilad Atzmon – Israel Has Managed to Lose Again

by Gilad Atzmon for Palestine Think Tank Haaretz reported today that IDF Senior officials “believe that Israel should strive to reach an immediate cease-fire with Hamas, and not expand its offensive against the Palestinian Islamist group in Gaza.” This shouldn’t take us by great surprise. Though Israel has proved beyond doubt that it is rather capable of conducting large-scale genocide, it also proved that its military forces do not have

More fallout from the botched US raid on Syrian village

The shit is hitting the fan after the botched US raid on the Syrian village near the Iraqi border and even nominal US allies such as the Maliki government and even Fouad Siniora (!!) in Lebanon are condemning this aggression. Other protesting voices include Qatar, the OIC, the Arab League, Russia and China. Even the otherwise ‘tame and lame’ EU “voiced concerns” about this raid (which just goes to show

US raid on Syria ‘will hamper SOFA’

Exactly as I predicted: Press TV reports that An Iraqi lawmaker has warned that Sunday’s attack on Syria would negatively affect a security pact the US is insisting to sign with Iraq. “The air strike will send a negative message to Iraq’s neighbors,” MP Abbass al-Bayati told Voices of Iraq news agency on Tuesday. US commandoes onboard four helicopters attacked a Syrian border region on Sunday, killing at least eight

Yes, this was (yet another) US screw-up (UPDATED!)

Now I am sure of it. First, watch this: Notice a couple of things: 1) the footage of the attack was shot in daylight. That is *not* how you would conduct any real anti-insurgency raid (they happen at night). From the footage one can only conclude that even small arms fire (nevermind MANPADs) could have easily taken out these helicopters (had any insurgent force been there to begin with, of

Yet another botched US raid?

Take a look at this al-Jazeera report about the US raid in Syria: From the information slowly trickling in it appears that the US SNAFUed this time again. The fact that any footage at all is coming from this village shows that there was nothing of any kind of value there, be it people or infrastructure. Then the accounts by the civilian victims also points to some rather pathetically inept
