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Tag "Shamanov"

Putin and Serdiukov have visited General Shamanov in the hospital

Vladimir Putin has visited General Shamanov on his hospital bed.  Shamanov is suffering from a cerebral concussion, a broken arm and a broken leg.  He should be operated on this Monday.  Russian TV showed a very sympathetic Putin warmly encouraging Shamanov who spoke to him through an oxygen mask.  Putin promised Shamanov that only the very best doctors would treat him. Defense Minister Serdiukov also visited Shamanov, but no footage

The C-in-C of the Russian Airborne Forces is the object of a “full-spectrum attack”

Remember the crisis which opposed the Russian Airborne Forces to the Minister of Defense Serdiukov (see here, here, here and here)?  Well, the counter attack from Serdiukov did not take long and it was really a case of a “full-spectrum” strike. First, a “leak” was published in a Russian tabloid accusing Shamanov of using two Spetsnaz units from the 45th Special Forces Reconnaissance Regiment in Kubinka to defend the interests

Major crisis in Russia opposes Airborne Troops to Defense Minister

A major and truly unprecedented crisis is taking place in Russia.  It opposes the Union (of the personnel) of the Airborne Forces to the Russian Defense Minister Anatolyi Serdiukov.  Today, a 3 star General read an appeal of the Airborne Forces Union to the Nation, the President, The Federal Assembly and to the Patriarch of Russia.  Here is the video of this appeal: This is a machine translation of this
