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Tag "Samir Kintar"

Reflections on the Israel-Hezbollah Prisoner Swap Deal

by Khalid Amayreh for Palestine Think Tank The latest prisoner swap deal between Israel and Hezbollah is a healthy indicator that at least some Arabs are beginning to understand the depraved Zionist mentality, and act accordingly. Such mentality is based on arrogance, insolence, and religious and ethnic superiority. Israel, a country whose collective mindset views non-Jews as virtual animals or at least lesser human beings, had to face a new

Samir Kintar’s biography according to Al-Manar TV

This is how the website of Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV presented Samir Kintar (himself a member of the Palestine Liberation Front and *not* of Hezbollah): In a world full of conflicts and atrocities, heroes are rare to find, but wherever they are found, they just seem to impose themselves and their values. One of those heroes is Samir Kintar who returns to Lebanon after spending thirty years in Israeli prisons, thus
