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Tag "Saker correspondents"

How the conflict in the Ukraine is seen by the rest of the world

Today I will begin by looking at how the Ukrainian conflict is covered in the international media thanks to this blog’s network of 55 correspondents and translators in the following regions: Europe, North America, South America, Middle-East, Russia/CIS, Indian Subcontinent, Far East Asia, Oceania and Africa. Below I am reproducing some reports I selected form those which our correspondents sent me.  This is our first try at that, so we

One more thing about the “Saker correspondents” project – USA correspondents

Dear friends,I realized that I was missing on a good opportunity here to involve some correspondents from the USA.While I myself currently live in the USA, I think that I might very much need the help from US correspondents, but not from this or that state or region, but from different specializations.While it makes little sense to compare Fox News in San Diego and Boston, the USA can be very

Update on the “Saker correspondents” idea

Dear friends,A few days ago I posted an idea to create a network of “Saker correspondents”.  Here is what I wrote: I think that it might be extremely useful to create a group of “correspondents” of this blog.  Here is what I mean by that:I need local folks to go through the local Internet resources (not the big national news, those I parse myself) to seek out interesting stuff and
