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Tag "Russian sanctions against the EU"

The Western Sanctions on Russia SITREP by the Serbian Girl

The US –led war campaign against Russia, includes financial warfare. USA has complete dominance of the global financial network. Sanctions were put in place in order to financially asphyxiate Russia and “destroy Vladimir Putin” Political and Military Analyses Source: Here’s how Obama’s sanctions will destroy Vladimir Putin The timing was particular painful as it coincided with the fall in oil prices. The sanctions, however, have backfired in at least two

Neither the worst, nor the best, but time is running out for Novorussia

They flutter behind you your possible pastsSome brighteyed and crazy some frightened and lostA warning to anyone still in commandOf their possible future to take care Roger Waters On July 1st I wrote a short piece entitled “Novorussia – Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and settle for anything in the middle” in which I looked at the various possible outcomes of what appeared to be an imminent

Pain inflicting techniques

by Nikolai Starikov for Vzgiad(translated by the Russian Team) The West is so used to the one-sided game that they seem genuinely surprised that Russia has responded to the West’s sanctions against her. That’s ok, let them get used to it. Whoever will come to us with a sword by the sword will perish. That is only when we are talking about a battle sword and a “hot” war. If
