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Tag "Russian military"

One Russian Airbase Could Take Down Turkey’s Entire Fighter Fleet?

One Russian Airbase Could Take Down Turkey’s Entire Fighter Fleet? New Assessment Shows a Favourable Military Balance in Syria Underlying Moscow’s Success by Aspelta for The Saker Blog While much uncertainty remains surrounding what exactly was agreed to in Moscow regarding the ceasefire agreement in Syria’s Idlib province, or how long Turkey intends to adhere to the new ceasefire agreement, it is clear that despite its bellicosity towards Damascus, Ankara

Who Is Instigating Hot War Between NATO And Russia? If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via:, BTC: 13iYp9CDYZwgSnFXNtpEKgRRqaoxHPr2MH, BCH: 1NE49pQW8yCegnFCMvKuhLUnuxvTnxNUhf, ETH: 0x962b312a9d41620f9aa0d286f9d7f8b1769bfae6 Over the past few months NATO member states have sharply increased their pressure on Russia. The Euro-Atlantic establishment is strengthening the image of Russia as a fierce enemy. It is very useful to have such a foe to justify your own

Flight Of White Swan: Tu-160 Fleet Modernization And Expansion On January 25, 2018, the Russian Ministry of Defense officially announced the contract for the modernization of 10 Tu-160 strategic bombers to the Tu-160M2 standard, to be fulfilled by the Kazan-based S.P. Gorbunov Aviation Plant belonging to the Tupolev Aviation Company, and with the aircraft to be delivered by between 2023 and 2027. The ceremony was marked by a test flight of the first thusly modernized aircraft, named Pyotr

Russia’s Altius-M Heavy UAV If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson Unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, have become a ubiquitous feature of contemporary warfare. Their use has proliferated to such an extent that even non-state actors boast entire fleets

What the US Senators didn’t hear on the Hill yesterday

What the Senators didn’t hear on the Hill yesterday from Clinton Watts and co — from retired Canadian Army officer/diplomat Patrick Armstrong by The Kulak The CFE Treaty showed us all this: the Russians were obliged to give us a list of elements showing their precise location and relationship to other structures with the number of soldiers and major weapons; we could go there and check this out at any moment.

Russian Military Police And Its Deployment In Syria If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson The constantly-changing make-up of the Russian group of forces in Syria has become a veritable kaleidoscope of the country’s contemporary military capabilities, which are evidently taking turns being

General Rudskoy briefing on a humanitarian pause in Aleppo airstrikes on October 20th, 2016

General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian federation October 17th 2016 briefing Lieutenant-General Sergey Rudskoy   Oct 17, 2016 Chief of the main operations directorate of Russia’s General Staff says Moscow has agreed with Syria on declaring a brief humanitarian pause in the flashpoint city of Aleppo. Rudskoy said Moscow will halt its airstrikes on Aleppo from eight AM to four PM local time on Thursday. He added

Gorlovka celebrates the Russian Airborne Forces Day

On August 2nd, people in Gorlovka celebrated the Russian Airborne Forces Day Russian airborne forces VDV have traditionally worn a blue beret and blue-striped long-sleeved shirt or telnyashka and are called “desant” (Ru: Десант) from the French “Descente”. Celebration of the Russian Airborne Troops Day in Gorlovka Donetsk People’s republic, Donbass     Oleg Gasmanov: No one, but us Олег Газманов – Никто, кроме нас! (новый клип 2015)

Does NATO even exist? by Scott Humor

In 2015 NATO contemplated a bit and asked itself: Hybrid war – does it even exist? – Nato  “In the last decade, some of the most important military forces and coalitions in the world, including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), have attempted to address and counter so-called hybrid threats. Rather than develop strategies based on ‘hybrid’ challenges (an elusive and catch-all term), I believe decision-makers should stay away from

Givi dances to Cossack traditional music

Three nice videos:  the first one has Givi dancing at his birthday party and since the tune he is dancing to is a modernized version of a traditional Cossack song, I added a second video with footage of the Russian military with a Russian-Chechen interpretation of the same song.  The last video is the original Cossack version (which then repeats the “Russian-Chechen” version).   Enjoy!

The Russian military is muddying the waters

First, there was the announcement that Russia’s Defense Ministry will hold drills for reservists in all of the country’s military commands in August-October.  Now comes yet another announcement, this time that Russia’s will be holding military exercises this week involving 100 aircraft in the west of the country near the Ukraine border.  This kind of activity does not mean that Russia is saber-rattling or somehow threatening anybody, much less so
