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Tag "Russia-China Strategic Alliance RCSA"

The Myth of a Chinese takeover in Siberia

submitted by “Mister Unknown” of the Hidden Harmonies China Blog   As an avid follower and enthusiast of modern trends in Sino-Russian relations (and media coverage thereof), I saw this “jewel” of an op-ed in the New York Times earlier this week, titled “Why China will Reclaim Siberia“. This type of Sinophobic fear-mongering is nothing new in the western media. With amusement, I read through it with the slight hope

China openly and officially backs Russia

Well, now we have it from the most official source possible: Foreign Minister Wang Yi who declared on Monday. “If the Russian side needs it, we will provide necessary assistance within our capacity“.  Considering the US rhetoric and imperial mindset which proclaims that “you are either with us or against us” it is pretty clear what such a declaration really means: China is putting the US on notice that in

Vineyard of the Saker White Paper: the China-Russia Double Helix

Dear friends, Today I sharing with you a document which I personally consider as absolutely crucial: an in-depth analysis of the China-Russia Strategic Alliance (RCSA) written by somebody who looks at it from the “Chinese side”.   I want to tell you a few words about how this document came into existence.I was talking with Larchmonter 445 about the development in Russia when I realized that a lot of his arguments
