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Tag "Ruslan Ostashko"

Trump helps to nationalize the Russian business elite (Ruslan Ostashko)

Churchill one said: “You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried every thing else”. In the same style, the new idea of Donald Trump with his Kremlin list will not bring about the millionaire rebellion but, on the contrary, will lead to the consolidation of the elites and return of their money to Russia. The process has already started.. Video translated and

Poland is leaving the EU (Ruslan Ostashko)

This is the latest video from the Russian political analyst Ruslan Ostashko, this time in a somewhat different format from the familiar “Five minutes of Common Sense”. Donald Tusk has revealed the secret of Polichinelle. Poland, apparently, is in the EU only because Brussels is paying Poland billions of Euro every year. But when the funds stop (soon, it seems), then the Poles might be ready to conduct a referendum

Russia and the IOC – a commentary by Ruslan Ostashko

This is another video from the series “5 Minutes of Common Sense” by the Russian political analysis Ruslan Ostashko. In this video, Ruslan is expressing his views on the ban imposed by the IOC on the participation of the Russian team in the winter Olympic games in the South Korea and on the steps Russia could have taken. Commentary by Eugenia who translated and subtitled this video (thanks Eugenia!!): I

Video analysis by Ruslan Ostashko (

This is the first time that I am posting an analysis in the form of a video.  Actually, two separate videos glued together and subtitled thanks to Eugenia (to whom I extended a heartfelt thank you!!).  The person in this video is Ruslan Ostashko, the very sharp and articulate editor in chief of the website and its YouTube channel. I have been subscribed to the Polit Russia YouTube channel
