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Tag "Ron Paul"

Ron Paul – the man and his message

After I finished writing my piece about my biggest fear about Ron Paul I felt that I should post this short video introducing him and his ideas. I truly believe that Ron Paul represents a unique and most important phenomenon in American politics and the best, and probably the only, chance to prevent the election of an openly Fascist president in 2008. While Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel the other

My biggest fear about Ron Paul

I have to admit that I like Ron Paul. A lot. While Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinch are also speaking up against the transformation of the USA into a Neocon empire, the former, while certainly sincere and well-meaning, is too prone to antics and the latter showed an unforgivable lack of courage when he abstained during the vote on the infamous House Resolution 1400. In contrast, Ron Paul has shown

Ron Paul Warns of White House Using ‘Gulf of Tonkin’ Incident to Launch Iran War

Larouche reports that Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, the Congressman from the 14th CD of Texas, would not back down in an interview today with Murdoch’s Fox TV News, about the fact that the White House would use a “Gulf of Tonkin” incident to launch war against Iran. This is also the view of Lyndon LaRouche, who has identified this danger, calling it “Gulf of Tonkin II.” In a straightforward

Have We Forgotten 2003 Already? Statement on H Con Res 21 by Ron Paul

This resolution is an exercise in propaganda that serves one purpose: to move us closer to initiating a war against Iran. Citing various controversial statements by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, this legislation demands that the United Nations Security Council charge Ahmadinejad with violating the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Having already initiated a disastrous war against Iraq citing UN resolutions as justification, this

US Congress calls on the UN to charge the President of Iran for inciting genocide: only Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich vote ‘no’

Nevermind that this is all based on a falsified translation of Ahmadinejad’s words, nevermind that the UN itself had condemned Zionism as a form of racism for many years, nevermind that Iran poses absolutely no threat to anyone in the region – the US Congress has covered itself in shame and disgrace yet again. After cheering on Israel for its “continued efforts to prevent civilian casualties” during the war in

The only thing which can prevent a Fascist President in 2008

As I have written in a previous post, the “election” of an openly Fascist President in 2008 is almost certain. The USA already has an Imperial Presidency (the politically correct term for which is “unitary executive”) and this trend will only get worse no matter which Neocon puppet gets elected in 2008. Only two candidate – Ron Paul and Mike Gravel – are real democrats (small “d”), and neither of

Keep Ron Paul in!!

“Keep Ron Paul in!” is the initiative of conservative bigwig Richard A. Viguerie who created a special website with a petition to demand that Ron Paul not be excluded from the Presidential debates. While this initiative originates from conservatives, the petition itself has options for being a concervative, liberal, moderate, libertarian or “other” and for various motives – including keeping a real, pluralistic, debate to sign the petition. Thus, this

Fmr. Chief of CIA Osama Unit’s Statement on Ron Paul and Why They Attack Us

Sir, In the dozen-plus years I have been active in matters relating to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, I have watched them go from a small Islamist organization to a worldwide insurgent movement, while bin Laden has established himself as the primary source of inspiration and leadership for tens of millions of Muslim Islamists. This process has been made possible by two things: (a) the skill, courage, patience, and ruthlessness

Dissenting voices and delayed wars

Something very interesting is happening in the USA: two candidates for the next Presidential election (Ron Paul, R, and Mike Gravel, D) are running on an anti-war platfrom and they are speaking up in each debate (so far – soon they will be given the boot). They stand no chance whatsoever under the current political system. Just take a look the Washington Post’s truly orwellian editorial complaining that “Too many
