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Tag "rick rozoff"

U.S. Recruits Russia As Junior Partner To Maintain Global Dominance

by Rick Rozoff for STOPNATO This past weekend the world witnessed an event that until recently would have seemed inconceivable: A Russian head of state attended a summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. President Dmitry Medvedev participated in the NATO-Russia Council meeting during the second day of the summit in Lisbon, Portugal on November 20 with the heads of state of NATO’s 28 member states. The national leaders signed

Eastern Europe: From Socialist Bloc And Non-Alignment To U.S. Military Colonies

by Rick Rozoff for Stop NATO Eleven years ago today the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was in the seventh week of a bombing war against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, one which saw over 1,000 Western military planes fly over 38,000 combat missions, bombs dropped from the sky and Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from the Mediterranean Sea. Having quickly exhausted military targets, NATO warplanes resorted to bombing so-called targets of

Full Circle: NATO Completes Takeover Of Former Yugoslavia

by Rick Rozoff for Stop NATO In 1991 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was a nominally defensive military bloc with sixteen members that, as the cliche ran, had never fired a shot. In 1991 the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was the only simultaneously multiethnic and multiconfessional nation (entirely) in Europe, consisting of six federated republics with diverse constituencies. By 2009 NATO had grown to 28 full members and at

Pentagon Confronts Russia In The Baltic Sea

by Rick Rozoff for Stop NATO Twelve months ago a new U.S. administration entered the White House as the world entered a new year. Two and a half weeks later the nation’s new vice president, Joseph Biden, spoke at the annual Munich Security Conference and said “it’s time to press the reset button and to revisit the many areas where we can and should be working together with Russia.” Incongruously

Yemen: Pentagon’s War On The Arabian Peninsula

By Rick Rozoff URL of this article: Global Research, December 15, 2009 Stop NATO Yemen will become a battleground for a proxy war between the United States and Saudi Arabia – whose state-to-state relations are among the strongest and most durable of the entire post-World War II era – on one hand and Iran on the other. It is perhaps impossible to determine the exact moment at which a
