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Tag "repression"

From Tahrir Square to Wall Street and the rest of the USA, the Empire bares its fangs (again)

The level of violence meted out by the Empire against its opponents is clearly on the rise: from Tahrir Square in Egypt, to the many Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, to the constant saber-rattling against Iran, the Empire is clearly cracking down on its opposition. This new trend is particularly striking in the USA.  People who have never lived in the USA or who, even more so, have never studied here,

Footage from Bahrain

I good friend of mine has recently emailed me and told me that I was paying too much attention to the situation in Libya and not enough to the situation in Bahrain.  She sent me a long list of videos, some of which had already been removed by YouTube, some which were only in Arabic, some which did not explain what was being shown, and some which were duplicates of
