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Tag "referendum"

Catalonia – two opposed views

Note by the Saker: today I am posting to completely different views on the events in Catalonia.  I do that because I hope that our community has the maturity needed to be exposed to two oppsed views without automatically having to declare one The One And Only Correct Opinion and defame the other with insults, personal attacks and logical fallacies.  I personally am not taking sides in this conflict for

The Netherlands Parliament ignored the will of its voters for the sake of Ukraine

Source: Translated by Eugenia The Senate in the Netherlands confirmed in the most unobtrusive manner the Association agreement of Ukraine with the EU – against the decision of the last year referendum. The local press barely reported the event. In an attempt to explain why the will of the people was ignored, the analysts repeated the same argument over and over: a refusal to ratify the agreement would have

Statement of Alexis Tsipras after Vote on Referendum: ‘Greece will return Europe to the Peoples’

Transcript : Today is a day of celebration because democracy is a cause to celebrate, to be joyful. And when democracy conquers fear and blackmail, then it also leads to redemption, and a way forward. Today, the Greek people send a very powerful message. A message of dignity, of determination.  A message that they are taking control of their choices. Many may try to ignore the will of a government.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras statement to the nation & interview of Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis

Full transcript of Alexis Tsipras statement: Greek citizens, We are at a critical juncture regarding the future of this country. Sunday’s referendum is not about whether our country will stay in the Eurozone. This is a given and no one should question this. On Sunday we will choose whether to accept the institutions’ agreement or whether, with the strength of the people’s verdict, we will seek a viable solution. In any

Greece to hold referendum

Europe seems to have a real problem with referenda.  First, the EU categorically rejected the referendum in Crimea, now they have tried to prevent the people of Greece of having a say in their future.  And the EU has failed again – the Greeks will hold their referendum: (please press ‘cc’ to see the English subtitles)

Sunni bloc may boycott vote on US pact

Press TV reports: The main Sunni-Arab bloc in the Iraqi Parliament threatens to boycott a parliament session to vote on the Iraq-US security agreement. “The IAF would not enter the parliament if there was no popular referendum over the agreement or assurances from the US side,” Abdelkareem al-Samarraie, a leading lawmaker from the Iraqi Accord Front (IAF), told the Voices of Iraq on Tuesday. The lawmaker said parliament should postpone
