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Tag "Ramin Mazaheri"

Biggest threat to global leftism returns to power: US fake-leftism (1/2)

by Ramin Mazaheri (@RaminMazaheri2) for the Saker Blog It was an interesting ride, at least, but the Electoral College’s vote for Joe Biden marks the definitive end of the Donald Trump presidency. Trump was somebody you could never support in a vacuum, only by comparison; there’s nothing wrong with a united Europe but not this American-penned, neoliberal version, so it’s clear why Britain chose Brexit; France has long been the

Alleged Nashville bomber not Muslim: Western media disappointed

by Ramin Mazaheri (@RaminMazaheri2) and crossposted with PressTV. The entire world breathed a sigh of relief when it turned out that the alleged Nashville, Tennessee, bomber was not a Muslim – now nobody can get dragooned into supporting yet another war on a Muslim-majority country. Isn’t it spectacular how after 9/11 the US impressed almost the entire West into never-ending military service? Western piracy in Afghanistan continues today; Iraq was

Biden won? 2016-2020 showed what the US does to even mild reformers

by Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV What the four-year epoch of Donald Trump has made staggeringly clear to non-Americans is that no one – not even a democratically-elected American – will be able to even moderately alter the US capitalist-imperialist foreign policy trajectory without undergoing a no-holds barred attack aimed at bringing that person down. What the election of Joe Biden (although “installation” is clearly more accurate) shows is

Mess with Texas via mail-in ballot? States secede from presidential vote

by Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV The United States corporate-dominated media has found that the easiest way to shape news coverage on the scores of legal challenges to the 2020 presidential election is to only report on them when the cases have lost. After all, the more newspaper inches given to objective discussions of widespread voter fraud allegations equals the more chances an average American starts to think the

Trump declares civil war for voter integrity in breaking (or broken) USA

by Ramin Mazaheri and crossposted with PressTV The idea that Donald J. Trump could be (even the guy cleaning up behind the horse of) a white knight acting in favor of integrity is laughable, hypocritical and certainly controversial, but that is what a disaster United States political culture truly is. The man who has been nationally lampooned as a rich buffoon and denigrated as a real estate shark for decades

80% of US partisan losers think the last 2 elections were stolen

by Ramin Mazaheri and crossposted with PressTV That’s a shocking headline, but true: Many are aware that 90% of Republicans currently agree that Joe Biden “did not legitimately win the election” due to vote fraud, but how many remember that as late as 2018 70% of Democrats believed that “Russia tampered with vote tallies in order to help Donald Trump get elected president”. The latter has far far less credibility

Iranians: The people the West are allowed to assassinate

by Ramin Mazaheri and crossposted with PressTV The recent assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh – and the total silence regarding any sanctions on those who illegally played judge, jury, invader and executioner – reminds us how very unique Iranians are: Iranians are the people whom Westerners feel they are legitimately allowed to assassinate. The citizens of which other country get so shamefully and shockingly assassinated by Westerners with

The 4-year (neoliberal) radicalisation of US media & Bidenites’ ‘unradical radicalism’

By Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV For four years The New York Times editorial page has been unreadable because into every column – no matter the subject – an anti-Trump diatribe was inserted. For the world’s many billions who think there actually are issues other than the president of the United States, their obsession was incredibly tedious. It reminded me of how the World Socialist Web Site ends every

Where’s Donald? When 40% of voters cry ‘fraud’ you’ve got a big problem

By Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog and cross-posted with Press TV I think everybody would like 2020 to be over, and that we’d all like the US election to be over, but journalists shouldn’t stop accurately reporting just because the news is unpleasant. “Breaking news: Plane lands safely!” It just doesn’t work that way in life or journalism. We can’t give out participation medals and say it doesn’t really

‘Bidenism’ domestically: no free press, no lawyer, one-party state? (2/2)

by Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV For months the United States’ corporate-dominated media has terrified everyone with promises of right-wing militias taking to the streets, but here’s the thing: the pressures currently being put on 70 million Trump supporters is exponentially raising the possibility of that actually occurring, not reducing it. It is ghastly illuminating to see just how quickly – and with such disregard for modern human rights

CNN’s Jake Tapper: The foreman/overseer keeping all journalists in line (1/2)

By Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV CNN anchorman Jake Tapper is one of the most widely-seen journalists in the United States, and a recent tweet of his revealed just how very much careerism it takes to climb the ladder so high. As the US mainstream media continued its unconstitutional and absurd insistence that both the presidential election is over and that discussion around it must cease, a miffed Tapper

A 2nd term is his if he really wants it, but how deep is Trump’s ‘Trumpism’?

by Ramin Mazaheri and crossposted with PressTV The United States repeatedly has the worst elections of all the Western core democracies. That’s not “Iranian meddling” but Harvard and their 2019 Electoral Integrity Index. They ranked US elections just 57th in the world. One wonders how much further they will fall in this year’s ranking? If we honestly ask if American elections have integrity I think everyone has the same answer,

US partitioned by 2 presidents: worst-case election scenario realized

by Ramin Mazaheri and crossposted with PressTV It’s impossible for the US presidential election to have gone worse for the empire: America now has two presidents. That can’t be denied, yet their mainstream media is spinning like mad the idea that there is no problem: The election is over and that Democrat Joe Biden is the president-elect. This is likely a biased view, but it’s certainly terrible journalism. Journalists have

4 years of anti-Trumpism shaping MSM vote coverage, but expect long fight

By Ramin Mazaheri and crossposted with PressTV Last night I dreamt that I asked Trump what it was like to be the world’s most insulted man over the last four years? This piqued his interest and he granted me a walk-and-talk interview. While I waited for him to be free I ate pizza – the food of variety and routine entertainment. When he became available we walked to a car,

Results are in: Americans lose, duopoly wins, Trumpism wasn’t a cult of personality (2/2)

by Ramin Mazaheri and crossposted with PressTV For Americans who believe that their system is actually capable of reform it would be nice if Trumpism was merely a cult of personality, but the 2020 non-presidential election results prove it truly is more than that. I think non-Americans grasp this even if Americans do not, as they are so effectively propagandised by an intensely corrupt Washington elite and their media sycophants.

Results are in: Americans lose, duopoly wins, Trumpism not merely a cult (1/2)

By Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog and cross-posted with Press TV It’s Day 3 of the US Election Debacle and – as we’re still mid-debacle – it’s very possible that Donald Trump will be the only conservative casualty, because it’s already certain the US election was an undeniable disaster for Democrats. The Democrats had everything on their side in 2020: the mainstream media, the Deep State, the (self-professed) moral

Blacklist of Iranian media by Bernie’s DSA suggests no Iran change with Biden

by Ramin Mazaheri and crossposted with PressTV PressTV’s guiding light has always been to be a “voice for the voiceless”. This is why it was collectively decided that in our coverage of the US presidential election primacy should be given to third parties and non-mainstream political groups, as a political duopoly systematically and legally suppresses them with such vehemence that it causes many to say that US elections should actually

Has the US been chastised into reform, or is 4 more years of Trump needed?

By Ramin Mazaheri and cross posted with PressTV There is a world of difference between “make it stop” and “make it change”, no? In 2016 we all knew that a Trump victory would undoubtedly be terrible for Iran, Cuba and Palestine – that has been proven true. However, being a “one-issue voter” is never advisable, but especially for those voting in the country which has more global influence than any

Mail-in ballots: the US elites’ ‘plausible deniability’ ploy to retain power

By Ramin Mazaheri and cross posted with PressTV The US obsession with mail-in voting is incomprehensible to the rest of the world, but the true reason behind this nonsense is never openly admitted: Mail-in balloting has been a way to ensure that the elites of both parties can contest the election if they lose, thus giving them a way to deny ultimate responsibility for their loss via presenting a way

Which ever ‘Joker’ wins, the US has no energy left for self-correction

By Ramin Mazaheri and cross posted with PressTV Watching the incredible bias of how the US media covers this presidential election assures the world of two things: 1. The largest divide in the United States is not urban/rural, White/Black, sexual, nor the male/female divide recently brought to the fore by #MeToo. It is not even a Democrat/Republican divide, because every outsider sees that these two groups are fundamentally united on
