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Tag "Rafsanjani’s “Gucci Revolution”"

Unambiguous statement on Iran situation by President Hugo Chavez

Al-Manar reports: “We call on the world to respect Iran because there are attempts to undermine the strength of the Iranian revolution,” Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said in his weekly radio and television address on Sunday. “President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s triumph was a triumph all the way. They are trying to stain Ahmadinejad’s triumph and through that weaken the government and the Islamic revolution. I know they will not succeed,” Chavez

Unambiguous statement on Iran situation by President Hugo Chavez

Al-Manar reports: “We call on the world to respect Iran because there are attempts to undermine the strength of the Iranian revolution,” Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said in his weekly radio and television address on Sunday. “President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s triumph was a triumph all the way. They are trying to stain Ahmadinejad’s triumph and through that weaken the government and the Islamic revolution. I know they will not succeed,” Chavez

The power of the “Basij Thug” (UPDATED!)

The War of Words: The “Basij” is a paramilitary organization founded by Ayatollah Khomeini which is subordinated to the “Pasdaran” (Army of the Guards of the Islamic Revolution – a very powerful elite military force independent from the Iranian armed forces) and which was used in major assault operations during the Iran-Iraq war. Nowadays, the Basij are an auxiliary force for emergency situation which range from disaster management to law

The power of the “Basij Thug” (UPDATED!)

The War of Words: The “Basij” is a paramilitary organization founded by Ayatollah Khomeini which is subordinated to the “Pasdaran” (Army of the Guards of the Islamic Revolution – a very powerful elite military force independent from the Iranian armed forces) and which was used in major assault operations during the Iran-Iraq war. Nowadays, the Basij are an auxiliary force for emergency situation which range from disaster management to law

Mousavi’s untenable complaint

by Kaveh L. Afrasiabi for Middle-East online I am a political scientist not a lawyer but after 8 grueling years of self representing in a civil conspiracy case against Harvard University all the way to the US Supreme Court, I have learnt how to separate hearsay from scentilla of evidence from hard evidence, which is what is needed, and plenty of that, in order to overturn a national, tightly monitored

Mousavi’s untenable complaint

by Kaveh L. Afrasiabi for Middle-East online I am a political scientist not a lawyer but after 8 grueling years of self representing in a civil conspiracy case against Harvard University all the way to the US Supreme Court, I have learnt how to separate hearsay from scentilla of evidence from hard evidence, which is what is needed, and plenty of that, in order to overturn a national, tightly monitored

Iranian Elections: The ‘Stolen Elections’ Hoax

by Prof. James Petras for “Change for the poor means food and jobs, not a relaxed dress code or mixed recreation… Politics in Iran is a lot more about class war than religion.” Financial Times Editorial, June 15 2009 Introduction There is hardly any election, in which the White House has a significant stake, where the electoral defeat of the pro-US candidate is not denounced as illegitimate by the

Iranian Elections: The ‘Stolen Elections’ Hoax

by Prof. James Petras for “Change for the poor means food and jobs, not a relaxed dress code or mixed recreation… Politics in Iran is a lot more about class war than religion.” Financial Times Editorial, June 15 2009 Introduction There is hardly any election, in which the White House has a significant stake, where the electoral defeat of the pro-US candidate is not denounced as illegitimate by the

Are the Iranian Election Protests Another US Orchestrated ‘Color Revolution’?

by Paul Craig Roberts for Information Clearing House A number of commentators have expressed their idealistic belief in the purity of Mousavi, Montazeri, and the westernized youth of Terhan. The CIA destabilization plan, announced two years ago (see below) has somehow not contaminated unfolding events. The claim is made that Ahmadinejad stole the election, because the outcome was declared too soon after the polls closed for all the votes to

Are the Iranian Election Protests Another US Orchestrated ‘Color Revolution’?

by Paul Craig Roberts for Information Clearing House A number of commentators have expressed their idealistic belief in the purity of Mousavi, Montazeri, and the westernized youth of Terhan. The CIA destabilization plan, announced two years ago (see below) has somehow not contaminated unfolding events. The claim is made that Ahmadinejad stole the election, because the outcome was declared too soon after the polls closed for all the votes to

Gucci leader open letter to the Iranian people

Found on the FOX News website: The following is the translated text of a letter purportedly from Iranian presidential candidate Mir Hossein Moussavi to the Iranian people, posted on Sunday. ——————————— My Fellow Compatriots, From all over the country complaints of irregularities of this election have reached me. I am confident that this outpour of complaint is being sent not because of me but because of a concern that

Gucci leader open letter to the Iranian people

Found on the FOX News website: The following is the translated text of a letter purportedly from Iranian presidential candidate Mir Hossein Moussavi to the Iranian people, posted on Sunday. ——————————— My Fellow Compatriots, From all over the country complaints of irregularities of this election have reached me. I am confident that this outpour of complaint is being sent not because of me but because of a concern that

The Guccis have abandoned their legal challenge

I have it from a very good source that Mousavi and Karroubi have not showed up at a meeting of the Guardian Council which was to investigate their claims. Only Rezae was present. Since they were not present to present their case, the Guardian Council will most likely declared that it cannot proceed with the case. In sum – the Guccis have dropped the facade of legality. As predicted, the

The Guccis have abandoned their legal challenge

I have it from a very good source that Mousavi and Karroubi have not showed up at a meeting of the Guardian Council which was to investigate their claims. Only Rezae was present. Since they were not present to present their case, the Guardian Council will most likely declared that it cannot proceed with the case. In sum – the Guccis have dropped the facade of legality. As predicted, the

Guccis bomb Imam Khomeini shrine

Press TV reports: Two people have been killed and eight others have been injured in a suicide bombing attack on the mausoleum of Imam Khomeini in southern Tehran. The suicide bomber was also killed in the blast that rocked the northern wing of the mausoleum of the founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini, on Saturday, Tabnak reported. The injured pilgrims have been taken to hospitals.

Guccis bomb Imam Khomeini shrine

Press TV reports: Two people have been killed and eight others have been injured in a suicide bombing attack on the mausoleum of Imam Khomeini in southern Tehran. The suicide bomber was also killed in the blast that rocked the northern wing of the mausoleum of the founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini, on Saturday, Tabnak reported. The injured pilgrims have been taken to hospitals.

The Gucci Revolutionaries’ ultimatum to the people of Iran

Sadly, Pepe Escobar is writing a lot of nonsense these days, parroting pretty much whatever the USraelian Empire wants everybody to hear. Still, he is a good reporter and that makes him keep a careful eye on what is going on. In a recent article for the Asia Times, Pepe reported something quite interesting: “Here’s the upgraded voice of the Tehran street, where the new top rallying cry is “Seyyed

The American Conservative Magazine gets it right

Daniel Larison for AmericanConMag writes: Why were the Lebanese elections regarded as a “crushing defeat” for Hizbullah and FPM and their allies? It was not because the final count of seats was substantially different from what it had been before, but because pre-election hype had made it seem as if the opposition was going to sweep into power. When the government retained its majority amid high turnout, this was declared
