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Tag "Psyops"

Syria SITREP: Approximate figures of the US airstrike in Syria & lessons learned

I will keep this one short.  You all have read all the nonsense about 100 to 600 Russians killed in the recent US air strike in Syria.  According to these rumors (typical PSYOP stuff, by the way) the “hundreds” of Russians were private military contractors (PMCs).  Well, for one thing, PMC rarely operated in the hundreds to begin with (5-20 people is much more common).  But nevermind that.  Turns that

Bloody Monday: Grandnephew of GULAG organizer stabbed the Echo of Moscow editor (MUST READ!)

Note by the Saker: a huge THANK YOU to Scott for an outstanding piece of research which he did literally overnight!  This is fascinating and most important, so I added the “MUST READ” tag to Scott’s article.  The Saker On November 23, 2002, fifty armed jihadi terrorists, or “freedom fighters” as they were called by the West, seized the Dubrovka Theater in Moscow taking 850 hostages. The liberal radio station Echo

Chronicles of WWIII or What did Erdogan dismantle in Turkey? – Cat Motya

Cat Motya’s Blog A group of spies and saboteurs known under the code name “Cat Motya” continues it’s partisan activities against the “universal good” of rodents. Let’s talk about what exactly we have in Syria if we look at the situation in a deeper and simultaneously simpler way. Have you noticed a paradox: “ISIS” is the most active and violent, best armed, well-equipped, and provided with everything necessary specifically in

SITREP: grenade attack in Kiev – a US PSYOP?

It did not take the Ukrainian security services, which are usually not known for their competence, very long to identify the person who tossed the combat grenade at the security forces guarding the Duma: his name is Igor Gumeniuk. The official version goes like this: Igor Gumeniuk is a member of the Svoboda Party of Oleg Tiagnibok and a solider of the “Sech” death squad. This proud Ukrainian patriot had

Is the CIA Running a Defamation Campaign Against Putin?

Russia Insider interviews The Saker The latest hot topic in the Russian media. Russian politicians are talking about it. Historical precedent and behavior of Western media suggests that they are. A major topic in the Russian media is mystification with how Putin is portrayed in the Western media. Wildly popular at home, and seen as a decent, modest, an admirable person, and Russians don’t understand how there can be such

Partial list of Russian NGO financed from abroad

Do you remember the panic which spread recently among Russian non-government organizations when Putin passed a new law forcing any NGO which is financed from abroad to register as a “foreign agent”?Russian bloggers have now compiled an initial list of these organizations.  Again, this is not an official list, only one compiled by savvy Russian bloggers who will now submit this list to the Russian security agencies.  Still, the list

Srebrenica: requiem for a propaganda fiction

(Note by the Saker: at a time when the Empire is clearly re-playing the Bosnian scenario in Libya, it is extremely important to look back and understand what exactly happened during the war in Bosnia.  I am therefore very grateful to F for drawing my attention to the publication of this book and I urge you all to read it with attention and make up your own mind based on

US steps up its strategic psyop camaign against Iran

The AFP reports: WASHINGTON — The US State Department has begun sending Twitter messages to Iranians in Farsi, alluding to the “historic role” social media have played in mass protests against Iran’s 2009 disputed presidential polls. The Twitter feeds in the Iranian language began Sunday as US officials accused Iran of hypocrisy by supporting the anti-government revolt in Egypt but seeking to prevent anti-government demonstrations in Iran. On the Twitter

US Strategic Psyops are at it again…

Ali Khamenei is dying! Ahmadinejad is a Jew! Israel should nuke Iran! It sure looks like the boneheads at CIA & Co are off their meds again… That kind of silly stuff has never worked in the past, and it will not work in the future. What a waste of the US taxpayer’s money…

Ahmadinejad orders probe into Neda’s ‘suspicious’ death

Press TV reports: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has asked the Judiciary chief to conduct a through investigation into the death of Neda Aqa-Soltan, an Iranian woman who was shot dead in Tehran’s post-vote protests. In a letter to Iran’s Judiciary chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi on Monday, Ahmadinejad called for a serious probe into the “suspicious” death of Neda and recognizing elements behind her killing. “Neda Aqa-Soltan was shot dead in

Ahmadinejad orders probe into Neda’s ‘suspicious’ death

Press TV reports: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has asked the Judiciary chief to conduct a through investigation into the death of Neda Aqa-Soltan, an Iranian woman who was shot dead in Tehran’s post-vote protests. In a letter to Iran’s Judiciary chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi on Monday, Ahmadinejad called for a serious probe into the “suspicious” death of Neda and recognizing elements behind her killing. “Neda Aqa-Soltan was shot dead in

A frightening sense of deja vu

There is no doubt in my mind that what we are witnessing today is the biggest strategic psyop campaign since the war in Bosnia. Clearly, the conduct of such a campaign is expensive and very labor intensive, and I don’t think that the USraelian Empire would be wasting such resources just like that. There is definitely a “phase two” coming next. The more I look at what is happening in

A frightening sense of deja vu

There is no doubt in my mind that what we are witnessing today is the biggest strategic psyop campaign since the war in Bosnia. Clearly, the conduct of such a campaign is expensive and very labor intensive, and I don’t think that the USraelian Empire would be wasting such resources just like that. There is definitely a “phase two” coming next. The more I look at what is happening in

Sniper or biker?

Check out this piece from Ynet news: (…) she was not affiliated with any political camp. “Neda’s goal was not Mousavi or Ahmadinejad, but her homeland. It was important to her that the homeland advance a step forward.” Neda Sultani was shot by a Besij snipers, who were apparently riding on motorcycles, on Amir Abad Street in Tehran on Saturday. The video that has been circulating on the Internet, making

Sniper or biker?

Check out this piece from Ynet news: (…) she was not affiliated with any political camp. “Neda’s goal was not Mousavi or Ahmadinejad, but her homeland. It was important to her that the homeland advance a step forward.” Neda Sultani was shot by a Besij snipers, who were apparently riding on motorcycles, on Amir Abad Street in Tehran on Saturday. The video that has been circulating on the Internet, making

The power of the “Basij Thug” (UPDATED!)

The War of Words: The “Basij” is a paramilitary organization founded by Ayatollah Khomeini which is subordinated to the “Pasdaran” (Army of the Guards of the Islamic Revolution – a very powerful elite military force independent from the Iranian armed forces) and which was used in major assault operations during the Iran-Iraq war. Nowadays, the Basij are an auxiliary force for emergency situation which range from disaster management to law

The power of the “Basij Thug” (UPDATED!)

The War of Words: The “Basij” is a paramilitary organization founded by Ayatollah Khomeini which is subordinated to the “Pasdaran” (Army of the Guards of the Islamic Revolution – a very powerful elite military force independent from the Iranian armed forces) and which was used in major assault operations during the Iran-Iraq war. Nowadays, the Basij are an auxiliary force for emergency situation which range from disaster management to law

The Guccis have abandoned their legal challenge

I have it from a very good source that Mousavi and Karroubi have not showed up at a meeting of the Guardian Council which was to investigate their claims. Only Rezae was present. Since they were not present to present their case, the Guardian Council will most likely declared that it cannot proceed with the case. In sum – the Guccis have dropped the facade of legality. As predicted, the

The Guccis have abandoned their legal challenge

I have it from a very good source that Mousavi and Karroubi have not showed up at a meeting of the Guardian Council which was to investigate their claims. Only Rezae was present. Since they were not present to present their case, the Guardian Council will most likely declared that it cannot proceed with the case. In sum – the Guccis have dropped the facade of legality. As predicted, the
