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Tag "Propaganda"

Ukraine’s Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA Cutouts did excellent work in unraveling the organizations involved in the propaganda for the Ukraine and against Russia.  It is highly orchestrated, and if you see Zelenski saying this or that, behind his sloganeering, memes and statements, ready for roll-out, is a slick, coherent, propaganda and intelligence marketing campaign. Ukraine’s Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA Cutouts        

The Orlando massacre: the lies, the exploitation and unasked questions

This article was written for the Unz Review: The “Islamic homophobe” thesis bites the dust in less than 24 hours Right from the start, the Orlando shooting made no sense to me and I said so pretty clearly in an article I posted the same day. You can read the full article here, so I will only mention my main conclusion: that this event had nothing to do with

Counter-propaganda, Russian style

This column was written for the Unz review: Listening to the western corporate media one would get the impression that the Kremlin controls all the Russian media with an iron grip and that not a word of criticism of Russia, nevermind Putin himself, is ever allowed. So bad is this situation that the AngloZionists are now funding new “information” efforts to counter-act the Russian propaganda machine and bring some

Is There A Crack in the Dam Holding Back the Truth on Syria?

by JiminNH One cannot help but noticing two rather interesting articles published in mainstream media that just may indicate that the dam holding back the truth about the western-backed invasion of Syria by head-chopping, organ eating, sex slave trading jihadi “rebels” has sprung a few major leaks. STEVEN KINZER in the BOSTON GLOBE First came the article by Steven Kinzer, a longtime journalist with the New York Times and now

Blame and Forget, Truth be Damned

by JiminNH It has become a common occurrence for the western ruling elites, and their propaganda ministries of the mainstream media euphemistically called the “free press”, to immediately blame Russia for a litany of perceived misconduct, whether there are grounds for such allegations or not. Often such baseless allegations are conflated with other events in the western narrative to give the allegations an aura of credibility and convince the western

Dubya’s wisdom applied to the latest fairy tale coming out of the “FSA”

Remember how first it was absolutely totally undeniably clearly proven beyond any possible doubt that these evil Syrians had murdered Rafik Hariri and then, as soon as the Syrians left Lebanon, we were told that it was absolutely totally undeniably clearly proven beyond any possible doubt again that it was actually Hezbollah?Folks – they are it again.After telling us that Assad has used chemical weapons against the opposition they came

Rebel Atrocity Videos

by Caustic Logic for The Libyan Civil War: Critical Views The following post will discuss several videos from the Libyan civil war once hosted on Youtube. These were originally put up and allowed, despite Youtube’s general ban on violent and gory images,perhaps for the posters’ stated aims of supporting the rebel cause and freedom. For weeks they sat there, each in several posting watched thousands of times. But more and

Rebel Atrocity Videos

by Caustic Logic for The Libyan Civil War: Critical Views The following post will discuss several videos from the Libyan civil war once hosted on Youtube. These were originally put up and allowed, despite Youtube’s general ban on violent and gory images,perhaps for the posters’ stated aims of supporting the rebel cause and freedom. For weeks they sat there, each in several posting watched thousands of times. But more and

Time Magazine ghoulish propaganda

Infantile, stupid, ghoulish – this is the propaganda style of the US corporate media’s flagship Time Mag.  Remember how in 2001 Time put that idiot Guiliani as man of the year instead of OBL?  Or how in 2010 they put that “ethnically correct” Mark Zukerberg and not Julian Assange?  Well, OBL finally did make it to Time’s front cover.  He is now the forth “official US villain” to be crossed

US “lobby war” behind Russian spy charges

(yet again, thanks to F. for pointing out this article to me! VS) by Robert Bridge for RT: As international special interest groups are vying for influence in the US government, the line between espionage and lobbying work is becoming dangerously vague. The US Justice Department announced on Monday that 10 individuals were arrested on charges of working as “agents of a foreign government [i.e. Russia] without notifying the US

After fake terrorists, now fake spies?!

I am reading the official affidavit of the FBI (see here and here) and I can’t believe the nonsense I am reading. First, the “super-dooper secret agents” are charged with a) not registering as agents of a foreign government and b) money laundering. Yep, no charges of spying. Then, it get better. According to the affidavit, the FBI decrypted a “super-dooper secret message” from Moscow explaining to the apparently clueless

Will Andy Garcia eat his tie? Hollywood star plays Saakashvili

Russia Today reports: A war of titans seems to be starting, but luckily not a bloody one this time. Die Hard 2 director Renny Harlin to make film about 2008 Georgian war, but another star, Emir Kusturica, seems ready to fire back with a hit. It’s probably the first time Georgia has hosted such big Hollywood stars, and not only hosts, but enjoys taking center stage in a new movie

The (unfortunate) Lies of Michael Moore (about Hugo Chávez)

October 20th 2009, by Eva Golinger for Venezuela Analysis In an interview last October 9th on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the renowned and award-winning documentarian, Michael Moore lied vulgarly about his encounter with Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez during the Venice Film Festival this past September. In the interview, Moore responds to Kimmel’s request for an explanation of a photo of Moore with President Hugo Chávez. Apparently embarrased about the encounter with

Googling Sibel Edmonds

Over 24 hours have passed since the video and full transcript of Sibel Edmond’s deposition have been made public, giving even the most stupid and lazy journalist the time to either watch the video or read the transcript. This morning, I decided to check what Google News would find for me. I simply typed “Sibel Edmonds” and hit enter. Here are the results: Now, I cannot say that I was

Plunge into the depths until you reach the truth

by “Ya_Baqiyatullah” We live in a world where the media helps shape our lives; be it for social, economical, political or entertainment purposes the importance of media cannot be underestimated. It is something which builds our personalities due to the information it feeds us. We are in many ways attached to this source and make it our comfort zone. Today, where the World has reached a critical stage in every

The power of the “Basij Thug” (UPDATED!)

The War of Words: The “Basij” is a paramilitary organization founded by Ayatollah Khomeini which is subordinated to the “Pasdaran” (Army of the Guards of the Islamic Revolution – a very powerful elite military force independent from the Iranian armed forces) and which was used in major assault operations during the Iran-Iraq war. Nowadays, the Basij are an auxiliary force for emergency situation which range from disaster management to law

The power of the “Basij Thug” (UPDATED!)

The War of Words: The “Basij” is a paramilitary organization founded by Ayatollah Khomeini which is subordinated to the “Pasdaran” (Army of the Guards of the Islamic Revolution – a very powerful elite military force independent from the Iranian armed forces) and which was used in major assault operations during the Iran-Iraq war. Nowadays, the Basij are an auxiliary force for emergency situation which range from disaster management to law
