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Tag "Pasdaran"

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps: a deep insight into Iran’s most powerful institution

By Aram Mirzaei Described by the Western media as a “shadowy organization” involved in “clandestine activity” across the Middle East, not much is truly known about the “Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps” (IRGC) in the West as Western governments and media outlets are having an increasingly difficult time figuring out the IRGC and the role it plays in both the domestic and foreign relations of Iran. You can’t understand Iran and

Let’s get some things straight about the upcoming war with Iran

The upcoming war with Iran is again back in the news and while the international media is awash with reports and discussions about the recent Iranian missile test, some usually savvy observers, such as Tom Englehardt and Tony Karon, now say that the US-Israeli aggression on Iran will not happen at all. So which is it – Iranian missiles raining down on Israel or no war at all? Neither. First,

Iranian General Played Key Role in Brokering Iraq Cease-Fire

by Leila Fadel for McClatchy Newspapers Iraqi lawmakers traveled to the Iranian holy city of Qom over the weekend to win the support of the commander of Iran’s Qods brigades in persuading Shiite cleric Muqtada al Sadr to order his followers to stop military operations, members of the Iraqi parliament said. Sadr ordered the halt on Sunday, and his Mahdi Army militia heeded the order in Baghdad, where the Iraqi

Saker interview with Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

I have recently posted an interesting piece by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich entitled “Iran Intelligence Report: Another Psychological Warfare?“. This was not the first time I had read Soraya’s very interesting and insightful articles about Iran and this latest piece prompted me to contact Soraya and ask her for an interview. Soraya kindly agreed to my request and it is my real pleasure today to resume my “Saker interviews” series with a

Iran’s Left Camp Voices Strong Support for IRGC

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- We all support the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), former Iranian Parliament Speaker Mehdi Karroubi said, underlining solidarity of Iran’s left and right camps against the US efforts to label the IRGC as a terrorist group. Speaking to reporters here on Wednesday, the secretary general of the leftist E’temad Melli (National Trust) Party underlined Iranians’ national solidarity in the face of enemy threats despite the existing

Iran threatens to attack 170 US targets

The Jerusalem Post reports that Iran threatened Monday to attack some 170 American targets in the Middle East and around the world if it is attacked by Israel or the US, Israel Radio reported. A high-ranking officer from the country’s Revolutionary Guards told the force’s official journal, The Guards, that Teheran succeeded, after extended and comprehensive work, to identify hundreds of strategic American targets in the Middle East and around

Hizbullah spiritual leader: Senate declared war on Iran

Sheik Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah slams vote to label Revolutionary Guard a terror organization by Roee Nahmias and Dudi Cohen “The declaration of the Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist group is a declaration of war,” Sheik Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, Hizbullah’s spiritual leader, said Sunday in response to a Senate resolution on Wednesday calling on the State Department to include the dominant branch in Iran’s army on its list of terrorist organization.

Iran Monitors Movements in Persian Gulf

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) said its defense troops have launched a new system which brings all movements in the Persian Gulf and the Straight of Hormoz under Iran’s online control. The system called ‘Hod Hod’ (Hoopoe) has been designed by IRGC experts and provides the Iranian troops with the possibility to monitor even the subtlest moves on the surface or in the air. According

US Senate brands Iran Guard ‘terrorist organization’

AFP – The US Senate has called for Iran’s Revolutionary Guards to be officially designated a “foreign terrorist organization,” a day after the House of Representatives passed a similar measure. The Senate on Wednesday voted 76-22 for the non-binding amendment sponsored by Republican Jon Kyl and independent Joseph Lieberman to place the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, or Pasdaran, on the US terrorist blacklist. Such a designation if adopted by the

Two interviews with Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi

Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi, former C-in-C of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Corps and current advisor for military affairs to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, has recently given two interviews: West Has Launched a “Media War“ TEHRAN, Sept. 23–Iran is working only for the peace, security and the welfare of the Iranian nation as well as the nations of the region, said a senior military advisor to Iran’s leader, Yahya

IRGC Warns West against Invasion of Iran

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) warned West against any invasion of Iran, and stressed that the Iranian nation would stand up to any possible aggression by hegemonic powers, alluding to the US and its allies. In a statement issued on Wednesday to mark the anniversary of US-backed Iraqi imposed war on Iran (1980-1988), the IRGC underlined full preparedness of the Iranian nation to defend the country.

How the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps plans to fight

The following is a partial transcript of an interview with former IRGC Commander (now advisor for military affairs to the Supreme Leader of Iran) which which aired on Channel 2, Iranian TV on November 12, 2006: General Yahya Rahim Safavi: The Shahab 3 missiles, which were fired with a cluster warhead, deviated a few meters [from the target]. Considering the extent of the explosion, a few meters is… Interviewer: Is

Iran Slams Kouchner comments and reiterates threat to US forces

TEHRAN — Iranian media launched a blistering attack on France Monday after its foreign minister warned the world to brace for war. Kouchner said Sunday his country must prepare for the possibility of war against Iran over its nuclear program. The French minister also told RTL radio and LCI television that the world’s major powers should use further sanctions against Iran. Kouchner said France had asked French firms not to

Second direct Iranian warning to the USA

(see the first one here) TEHRAN, Sept 11— The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps said on Tuesday that the country has identified US weak points in Iraq and Afghanistan. The comments by Brigadier General Mohammad Ali Jaafari, appointed head of the elite force by the leader of Islamic Revolution just 10 days ago, come amid mounting tensions between Tehran and Washington over Iran’s peaceful nuclear drive and its

Safavi: US troops vulnerable in ME

Iran’s Press TV reports that Iran’s former IRGC Commander says 200,000 US troops are in weak positions in the Middle East and Iran has identified all their locations. Senior Advisor to the Leader for Military Affairs, Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi, made the remark Monday in a meeting with Imam Hussein University faculty in Tehran. Safavi said recent incidents have turned the region into the hub of political and security

Iran preparing for war with the U.S. via Lebanon

Tehran – Iran is threatening to strike the U.S. with “stronger punches” while Hezbollah vows it is ready to become “dismembered limbs to keep Iran strong and dignified.” This will likely leave Lebanon in the crossfire. The Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Gen. Rahim Safawi (left in picture), who met Hizbullah’s deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem (right in picture) at a religious conference in Tehran, has threatened the United States

Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard says Iran wants peace

ESFAHAN, Iran, Aug 17 — The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard said Friday that his country is after the establishment of peace and stability in the Middle East.“We trust on our strong military power but Iran has a defensive strategy and we are after the establishment of peace and stability in the Middle East”, Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi said. The US has launched a fresh round of war-on
