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Tag "Palestine Think Tank"

Palestine Think Tank coverage of the crisis

Kawther Salam’s detailed report shows that the entire massacre, planned in advance, was nothing but the Zionist reaction to the recent improvement in Turkish-Iranian relations. Kourosh Ziabari asks what would have happened if the same actions were done by Iran Belén Fernandez dissects the Israeli Hasbara that it was actually the pacifists bringing humanitarian aid who were responsible for their own deaths Mary Rizzo deconstructs Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister’s Lies

The Body Snatchers of Israel

Very important article by Kawther Salam for Palestinian Think Tank: (photo: numbered graves in secret cemetery in Israel) Independently of the recently published article of the Swedish journalist Donald Boström about the Israelis murdering Palestinians in order to harvesting of organs for sale, and independently of the hysteric screeching and denials by the Israelis, I want to present my readers what I witnessed, saw, observed and heard during my 22
