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Tag "Open thread"

The latest US moves against Russia (OPEN THREAD #11) UPDATED!!!

Bad news all around today.  The US has just slammed provocative sanctions against Russia even though the US ambassador to Moscow was summoned to the Foreign Ministry and clearly told that if the US imposes more sanctions there will be no meeting between Putin and Biden. Then there is this: the US has informed the Turkish authorities that they will not send two USN ships into the Black Sea.  This

Russia conducts full-spectrum rehearsals for war (OPEN THREAD #10)

Dear friends, This is going to be the last, tenth, open thread on the topic of the escalation in the eastern Ukraine (unless, of course, the attack actually happens, at which point I will probably reopen an open thread again). The latest news from Russia: Defense Minister Shoigu has indicated that every single military district is currently running readiness exercises which include a total of 4’000 (that is four thousand!)

All sides are “locked and loaded”: what comes next? (OPEN THREAD #9)

By all accounts, all sides are ready for war. That does NOT mean that war is inevitable, only that there are no more objective factors making war impossible. How long can this “neither quite here, nor quite there” situation last? A long time, at least until the Fall of 2021. Let’s not pretend like anybody is a prophet and can predict the future (all those who do are, in reality,

Should Russia repeat the 08.08.08 war in the Donbass? (OPEN THREAD #8)

You know the expression, “better a bad peace than a good war“.  This surely sounds true and common sense seems to support this.  But, as with many slogans, it all depends on the meaning of words. For one thing, Russia has been at war with the Empire for at least since 2013.  You can call that “peace” as opposed to a full-scale convention or nuclear war, but considering the human

How far should the LDNR forces go? (OPEN THREAD #6)

Today, Denis Pushilin, the head of the DNR, held a press conference.  To my knowledge, there is no English language transcript (so far, if there is one, please send it to me!).  I have not yet had the time to listen to the full thing (3 hours long), but the key moment, as reported by the Russian media, is that Pushilin said that in case of Ukronazi attack, the LDNR

Can the US be deterred? (OPEN THREAD #5)

Today, RT posted an article which began with the words “Amid fears of worsening clashes in eastern Ukraine, Russian and American diplomats have held unscheduled bilateral talks in an effort to forestall an all-out conflict, which Moscow has warned could spell disaster for the region“. This begs the question: is the “Biden” administration still capable of logical thought? My guess is that no, probably not.  Here is why: Ever since

What will the Empire do to support the Ukronazis (OPEN THREAD #4)?

Dear friends, There is a lot of speculation about what the consolidated West (aka the AngloZionist Empire) will do to protect its Ukronazi proxies.  Here are my, bulletpoint style ideas (in no particular order): The West has already decided that Russia is the aggressor and Banderastan the victim of the Russian aggression.  Even if the Ukies launch a massive artillery and armor attack on the LDNR (or even Crimea), the

What should Russia’s reaction be? OPEN THREAD #3

Dear friends Today I am opening yet one more open thread and I am offering this suggestion for a topic (not excluding other *related* topics from the discussion): what should the scope of the Russian reaction to a Ukronazi attack be? Here, I will offer my own opinion in a short bulletpoint format: Russia should intervene within hours of any Ukrainian attack because leaving the LDNR forces alone will result

Drums of war in the Ukraine: OPEN THREAD

Dear friends, The situation around the Ukraine is very rapidly escalating and there are a lot of signs that everybody is preparing for some kind of crisis.  I would draw your attention to Andrei Martyanov’s blog and, specifically, this article of his: I would also point you to this recent article on ZH: So far these are the key elements of what is taking place: First, the Ukronazis

Nativity of our Lord and Open Thread

Dear friends I want to express my best wishes to all the Orthodox Christians who are celebrating the Nativity of our Lord today: may this day be peaceful and filled with joy! I will be gone most of the day, so I leave yet another open thread with a suggested topic: “what will happen next now that the Dems total control all *four* branches of government (the usual 3 +

SCOTUS rejects Texas lawsuit. Is it over for Trump or not? What happens next? OPEN THREAD (UPDATED)

So, the SCOTUS rejected the lawsuit brought be the State of Texas, many other states, over 100 House Republicans and, if I am not mistaken here, by President Trump. Now the pro-Trump media claims that it was a “long shot” to begin with.  Maybe.  I am not a lawyer. But what does that mean?  What happens next? Is there still a chance that other lawsuits, or maybe some revolt in

Open Thread

Dear friends, There is a lot going on and I think that it would make sense to open a thread for various discussions of the current events (with moderation rules still applying).  To launch the discussion, I offer two photos: and this Enjoy! The Saker

Legacy Ziomedia declares victory (+ Open Thread) (+UPDATE)

In a closely coordinated move, the Dems and their legacy Ziomedia have declared Biden the victor of the presidential race. Likewise, the main US TV channels have cut off Trump during a White House press conference. Before all the votes are counted and before the courts could decide which votes count or not.  In simple legal terms, this election is not over. But we know that Dems don’t give a

Kinda open thread – part III

Dear friends I want to ask you all to read the moderation policy ( before posting.  In particular I would ask you Not to just post links, provide at least a commentary explaining why you want to draw our attention to the links. Please do not post categorical statements without having at least some fact based data to support them. Please remember that “possible” does not mean “likely” or, even

Continuation of the (kinda) open thread

Dear friends, 172 comments since yesterday, so I decided to give you a new (kinda) open thread here. As for me, I few very short comments. First, turns out that the Idiot-in-Chief outdid himself yesterday.  First, he *DID* mention cargo from Europe, then he made a 180: now he says that cargo will not be affected.  Next time somebody asks me why I call him the Idiot-in-Chief, I will simply

Sticky open thread on Venezuela

The expectation is that tomorrow’s action in Venezuela will either spark a civil war, or a type of maidan, or a complete war to attempt to take-over and topple the Venezuelan elected government to institute Guaidó, or, in the best case, will fizzle into nothing and life will go on. This morning Maria Zakarova in her briefing warned that provocation is planned for tomorrow, the 23rd. There are 2 actions

The Motherland Calls: An OPEN THREAD for the prospective traveler

Dear friend, Since this is my sandbox and I can post anything I want here, I decided agree to the suggestion of a reader who wants to travel to Russia and create an “open thread” about traveling to Russia.  I hope that this will be useful to you and, maybe, provide an opportunity for some of you to meet face to face. Anyway – here is the chance to 1)
