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Tag "occupied Palestine"

November 13, 2018: Gaza Is On Edge Of Israeli Ground Invasion The Gaza Strip is on the brink of a large-scale Israeli military intervention. The current round of escalation started on November 11 when a covert unit of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) opened fire at a patrol of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the Hamas military wing, in the town of Khan Yunis inside the Gaza Strip. The Israeli Air Force (IAF) supported the retreating IDF unit by airstrikes.

Palestine – All the Gods are with You, but None Dares Scream Murder

by Peter Koenig for the Saker blog Imagine! The western monotheistic world worships all these gods – never mind the contradiction in monotheistic – and variations of gods – the Jewish god, the Muslim god, the variety and shades of Christian gods, stretching from the god substitute in Rome, to the reformist gods of Calvins, Luthers, Zwinglis, and of course, the god of the Freemasons – and surely many more

Open Letter to the Conscience of Humanity

by Roger Tucker Editor and Publisher, One Democratic State It is only right and fitting that a proper response be made to the OpEd written by Moshe Feiglin, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, and head of the Manhigut Yehudit (“Jewish Leadership”) faction of Israel’s governing Likud party, entitled My Outline for a Solution in Gaza and published in Arutz Sheva on July 15th, 2014. 1. An international commission should be

Debunking the nonsense about the upcoming “final” negotiations between the Israelis and their Palestinian puppets

According to the BBC: “Israeli and Palestinian negotiators will aim to reach a “final status” agreement over the next nine months to end their long conflict, the US secretary of state has said. John Kerry said another meeting between the two sides would be held in either Israel or the Palestinian territories in the next two weeks. This, he said, would begin the process of formal negotiations.  Mr Kerry said

Is the Palestinian Islamic Jihad becoming the core of the Palestinian resistance?

Tonight, an anonymous poster, to whom I am most grateful, drew my attention to two very interesting pieces by Amal Saad-Ghorayeb: Why Islamic Jihad is the new Hizbullah Hamas and Islamic Jihad after the cease-fire: a new division of labour? One of the articles also references this article: Al-Quds Brigades: Zionist Entity Is Nothing More Than Dummy This is all very interesting.  According to its Wikipedia entry, the Palestinian Islamic

Palestinians are now reaping the bitter fruits of their own miscalculations

Amongst the many calamities which have befallen the Palestinian people one of the worst ones is being systematically led by incompetent and corrupt leaders with no strategic vision and a true knack for always choosing the wrong side in a conflict.  From their misguided alliance with all kinds of unsavory terrorist groups in the 1970s, to their support for Saddam, to their naive participation in the Oslo Accords, to today

The New Mandela

by Uri Avnery MARWAN BARGHOUTI has spoken up. After a long silence, he has sent a message from prison. In Israeli ears, this message does not sound pleasant. But for Palestinians, and for Arabs in general, it makes sense. His message may well become the new program of the Palestinian liberation movement. I FIRST met Marwan in the heyday of post-Oslo optimism. He was emerging as a leader of the

“We stand with you”: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters announces Palestine solidarity forum in Brazil

The Electronic Intifada reports: Roger Waters, British rock legend and co founder of the group Pink Floyd, visiting Israel’s separation wall surrounding the West Bank town of Bethlehem on June 21, 2006. Waters wrote slogans as “Tear down the wall” in a protest against it and the affect it has on the Palestinian population. Legendary UK musician, Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, has reiterated his strong support for the Palestinian campaign

Why Mahmoud Abbas’ speech matters a lot

I just finished listening to Mahmoud Abbas’ speech at the UNGA and I have to say that I was very impressed.  God knows I am no supporter of Abbas, but listening to him the thought crossed my mind that maybe the old man decided to redeem himself as much as possible at the 11th hour of his career? I am under no illusion about what this speech can or cannot

A Formal Funeral for the Two-State Solution

by Ali Abunimah for Foreign Affairs via ICHThe Palestinian Authority’s bid to the United Nations for Palestinian statehood is, at least in theory, supposed to circumvent the failed peace process. But in two crucial respects, the ill-conceived gambit actually makes things worse, amplifying the flaws of the process it seeks to replace. First, it excludes the Palestinian people from the decision-making process. And second, it entirely disconnects the discourse about

Hamas opposes ‘tactical’ Palestinian statehood bid at UN

Haaretz reports: The Islamist Hamas movement said Wednesday that President Mahmoud Abbas’ plan to approach the United Nations for recognition of Palestinian statehood was a “tactical” move, part of a negotiations process, and therefore could not be backed. The move was not based on principles and “Hamas and other factions are not part of this step and do not support it,” Salah al-Bardaweel, a senior Hamas leader in the Gaza

Questions about “Hamas-Fatah reconciliation”

by Ali Abunimah for his blog on EI: Big news today about a reported “Hamas-Fatah reconciliation” deal. What does it mean? First, here’s what we know from Reuters: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah movement has struck an agreement with bitter rival Hamas on forming an interim government and fixing a date for a general election, officials said Wednesday. The surprise deal was brokered by Egypt and followed secret talks between

Coexistence- An absolutely beautiful photo!

A member of Neturei Karta (Torah Jews), a fringe of ultra-Orthodox movement within the anti-Zionist bloc in Israel, talks with a masked Palestinian youth as he shows his support during clashes with Israeli police in the Arab east Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan on April 25, 2010. Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli police as dozens of ultra-nationalist Jews carried Israeli flags through Silwan to assert Jewish sovereignty of all of Jerusalem,

Cutting Through the Confusion about Israel/Palestine

by Richard Forer [A letter I wrote to a college student who had written the Coalition to Stop $30 Billion to Israel asking the group to remove a billboard that said “Tell Congress. Stop Killing Children. No More Military Aid to Israel.” The billboard was erected in Albuquerque in the Spring of 2009 after the Gaza catastrophe. I was the spokesperson.] Hi J, Thank you for your letter. First, I

Reflections on the future of Palestine and the Middle-East

Things are clearly heating up in the Middle-East again: a US-Israeli attack on Iran appears to be in the final stages of planning. Israel, which has finally clearly given up any pretense of being a civilized, never mind democratic, state, is now preventing dissident American Jews like Finkelstein or Chomsky from entering Israel. Former DIA and CIA analyst Philip Giraldi is suggesting that Israel may have to strike at Iran

Israel’s Big and Small Apartheids: Meaning of a Jewish State

By Jonathan Cook via Palestine Chronicle Below is the text of a talk delivered to the fifth Bilin international conference for Palestinian popular resistance, held in the West Bank village of Bilin on April 21. Israel’s apologists are very exercised about the idea that Israel has been singled out for special scrutiny and criticism. I wish to argue, however, that in most discussions of Israel it actually gets off extremely

Long live Palestine! Long live Gaza!

Not every Zionist is Jewish,and not every Jew is a Zionist. This is for Palestine, Ramallah, West Bank, Gaza,it’s about time we globalized the intifāḍa (rebellion),listen close I’ve got six words for Obama,long live Palestine,long live Gaza.Palestine, Ramallah, West Bank, Gaza,it’s about time we globalized the intifāḍa (rebellion),listen close I’ve got six words for Obama,long live Palestine, long live Gaza. The government supports the people of the UK didn’t,Zionism is

Israel Condemned by Human Rights Council in Goldstone Vote

UN Watch, 25 March 2010 The UN Human Rights Council in Geneva adopted the Goldstone resolution this morning, with 29 in favor, 6 against and 11 abstentions. The resolution, “Follow-up to the report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict,” was submitted by Sudan on behalf of the Arab Group, Pakistan on behalf of the OIC and Palestine. The countries voting against the resolution were: the Netherlands,
