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Tag "Obama Ziofanboy"

Obama has a busy week

Here are, according to Haaretz, some of the highlights of his schedule: Earlier on Tuesday, President Obama dropped by a meeting between the heads of the Conservative Jewish community and White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew. According to a statement later released, Obama thanked the leaders for their work on improving communities around the country and reiterated his unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security and the steps his Administration has

The real Obama – a Ziofanboy of the worst kind

Obama just handed out 13 Medals of Freedom.  Let’s remember here what this medal is: The Medal of Freedom may be awarded “to any person, not hereinafter specifically excluded, who, on or after December 7, 1941, has performed a meritorious act or service which has aided the United States in the prosecution of a war against an enemy or enemies and for which an award of another United States medal

US considers appointing a doubleplusgoodthinking Zionist as ambassador to Israel

The US is finally giving up any pretense of being a fair broker in the Middle-East. Check out who, according to Haaretz, will be the next US ambassador to Israel: Obama expected to appoint Dan Shapiro Ambassador to Israel Shapiro, 40, has advised Obama on the Middle East since before he assumed the presidency, and coordinated his presidential election campaign to attract Jewish voters. U.S. President Barack Obama intends to
