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Tag "Novorossia SITREP"

Ukraine SITREP March 26th, 2016 by Scott

In 2014 Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Chechnya, drove across Grozny at the speed of 241kh. The local Police department suspended his driver’s license. He said that he needed his driver’s license because he worked and practically lived in cars, and because he was always traveling. When they didn’t budge, he mounted a horse and said that he would have difficulties to perform his duties as a head of Chechnya,

Ukraine SITREP March 4th, 2016 by Scott

A great Russian doctor, a pure genius, Zurab Kekelidze, once said that we can’t begin every morning with the news about a war next door. If we do, we are at risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorder that may never go away. To add a little good news, humor and clean fun to our daily dose of war news, I started posting short entertaining videos of different places and corners

Ukraine SITREP December 13th, 2015 by Scott

It’s been over a month since my last Ukraine SITREP. and the Saker’s Ukraine SITREP covering the latest “democratic” elections in Ukraine. Nothing has changed since then. It seems that Ukraine experiences Groundhog Day over and over again. Even worse, since Russia has commenced its fight against ISIS in the Middle East, since the beginning of the Middle Eastern and African refugee crisis in Europe, since the Paris terror attack

Novorussia SITREP: Debaltsevo cauldron *not* closed yet

Here is, according to Colonel Cassad (by far the best source of info right now) the map of the situation this evening (local time):   The junta forces are definitely in a bad operational situation. They are surrounded all all sides except the north, but the highway leading north which the junta needs resupply its forces in and around Debaltsevo and which it could use to withdraw these forces is

Novorussian SITREP January 23

Over the past 48 hours not much has changed.   Donetsk: The airport is confirmed fully in Novorussians hands and the main combats are in the towns of Peski, Avdeevka, Krasnogorovka and Marinka which are shown in black on the map below: In all these locations the Novorussian Armed Forces are on the offensive in order to push back the Ukrainian Repression Forces. If the Novorussian succeed in booting the

Novorussian SITREP January 20th

I have to admit that what happened in the past 24 hours has been a surprise for me. For one thing, I expected an attack later in the year because right now the weather conditions are bad and very much favor the defenders. I also expected a heavy fire preparation of the battlefield (meaning that the Ukies would shell Novorussian positions) followed by a push by Ukie armor along several

Novorossiya Military Briefing, August 15, 2014

Novorossiya Military Briefing, August 15, 2014 Map: Hostilities in Novorossiya, August 6-15, 2014 Translated by Gleb Bazov Overall, it is becoming increasingly clear that the widely publicized offensive on Donetsk has, as expected, amounted to zilch. The Ukrainian Armed Forces does not have any more strength. It simply does not. And that is all. Moreover, the Junta forces are facing several simultaneous catastrophes on the local scale, which can become
