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Tag "Nazi war on Novorussia"

Ukraine Goes to War – and Always Will as Long as Maidan Holds Power

by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider As the economic situation in Ukraine goes from bad to worse the response of the Ukrainian government’s attention is focused instead on resuming the war in the Donbass. Over the last few weeks we have heard boasts from President Poroshenko that the combat capabilities of the Ukrainian military have been fully restored since its defeat last summer and that all its losses in armour

The US cannot start a major war in Ukraine

By Nikolai Starikov Translated by Val from Osa How long the West is willing to pay for the crumbling economy of Ukraine without guarantees of the beginning of its war with Russia? The Western strategy rule says: lost control over the territory – create the Antithesis. It is possible to understand what is happening in Ukraine, it is much more difficult to evaluate and forecast the development of events.

The US, Canada and the Ukraine refuse to condemn the heroization of Nazism

It is often argued whether the Ukrainian junta is Nazi or not.  I would strongly argue that even though Poroshenko did not come out, make a Nazi salute and declare “I am a Nazi” all the signs point to the conclusion that the regime in Kiev has its ideological roots in the Nazi past.  The latest example of that “filiation” can be found in this absolutely amazing event last week: 

Are You A Passive Supporter Of Racially-Motivated Killing, Ethnic Cleansing And War-Crimes?

By Stuart Sterzel, London, August 2014 “Long live the White Races, and down with the Semite-led subhumans and interracial contacts”. Look at that slogan. Should this be regarded as a great and laudable sentiment or call-to-action? If you think so, then, then here are some equally laudable sentiments, provided by the same person and organisation: “The historic mission of our nation in this critical moment is to lead the White

El Murid: To the Militia, Eventual Victory is a Statement of Fact

Original: El Murid LiveJournal (Anatoliy Nesmeyanov)Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov My status in Donetsk was entirely uncertain. Igor Ivanovich permitted me to be present virtually everywhere (with the exception of the places that were absolutely off bounds, and which I had no knowledge of in any event). Just in case, I was given a Paper that said pretty much the same thing – identity unknown, but assistance is compulsory. All

The Extraordinary Importance of Strelkov and the Coming of the Banderite Caliphate—El Murid, August 9, 2014

Original: El Murid LiveJournal (Anatoliy Nesmeyanov)Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov / Edited by @GBabeuf Over the course of my stay in Donetsk I saw nothing that was markedly different from what is publicly known. Up close, however, many things certainly appeared completely different in detail. When the Slavyansk Brigade came to Donetsk, almost immediately the question of cooperation among the units gathered in the city was raised. Two paths were

Neither the worst, nor the best, but time is running out for Novorussia

They flutter behind you your possible pastsSome brighteyed and crazy some frightened and lostA warning to anyone still in commandOf their possible future to take care Roger Waters On July 1st I wrote a short piece entitled “Novorussia – Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and settle for anything in the middle” in which I looked at the various possible outcomes of what appeared to be an imminent

The Ignominious Conclusion of the Kiev Junta’s July Offensive, July 30, 2014

The Ignominious Conclusion of the Kiev Junta’s July Offensive, July 30, 2014 Original: IAC Cassad – M.V. Litvinovtranslated by Gleb Bazov   The Conclusion of July Activity As could have been expected, the last weekend of July was marked by yet another offensive gamble by the Kiev regime. More precisely, there were, in fact, two such offensive gambles. At the same time, it must be noted that the second one,

Ukraine SITREP July 17th, 15:55 UTC/Zulu: the complete failure of Poroshenko’s “surprise” (UPDATED)

I will begin this SITREP by re-posting the video of the interview made by Ukrainian TV by phone with a solider of the Ukie forces in the so-called “southern cauldron”.  Please make sure to press on the ‘cc’ button to get the English subtitles:Speaking of videos, the I wanted to point out that the video I posted yesterday of what appeared to be Grad systems firing a Ukie forces from

Very interesting video – the people of Kramatorsk vs Ukie occupiers (UPDATED)

This video is nothing short of amazing. Think of it, these people are openly confronting what is clearly Ukie death-squad and not just some regular military unit (their gear is brand new and clearly imported).  Even more amazing is the language used.  While I don’t feel like translating it into English, I will say that it is just about the most overly aggressive, rude and provocative as it gets.  You

It is way too early to give up on Putin or to dismiss the Novorussian resistance

Apparently, my post today expressing my disgust with the way outside forces were arrogantly deciding the future of 7 million citizens of the Donbass was interpreted as an admission on my part that I have given up on Putin (even though I had clearly written “Let’s even add to this, for conversation’s sake, that Putin has decided to yield to the terms of these AngloZionist and that the Kremlin has

CrossTalk: Ukraine, End of Beginning (+ commentary)

Commentary:First, I have to admit that I could not bring myself to watch this show to the end.  Listening to Mary Dejevsky spew her arrogant certitudes about the Ukraine gave me a stomach ache and I had to stop.  What I do want to draw your attention to, however, is the idea which seems to have been somehow accepted by by Mary Dejevsky and Ray McGovern: that the EU and

Video: Urgent Appeal by Igor Strelkov, July 3, 2014 (incl. transcript)

Good day. I would like to make a short statement with respect to what is happening around Slavyansk. With respect to what is happening here. And, well, make an appeal, if you will. Yesterday, the enemy completely surrounded Nikolayevka. The enemy shelled the city in the fiercest possible way, using all types of weapons. Using heavy MLRS systems, howitzers, mortars, tanks, APCs. The destruction is enormous. It is simply impossible
