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Tag "Nasrallah"

Translation of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah speech on Thursday

Excerpt of the press conference held by the Secretary General of Hezbollah Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah The content of this press conference which we are holding for the first time after July 2006 is for sure about the latest, crucial and dangerous developments taking place in the Lebanese arena. In the beginning, I have to say after the decisions of the authority group on that dark night that a new phase

“We’ll Defend Against Jumblatt Govt’s Declared War”

Al-Manar TV reports: Hezbollah Secretary General held a press conference to address recent developments in Lebanon, particularly the tense situation on the street caused by the latest decisions adopted by the unconstitutional government of Fouad Saniora. Sayyed Nasrallah said that the ruling bloc has pushed the country in a completely new situation. “The decisions of the ruling are declaration of war,” his eminence warned. On the communications network, Sayyed Nasrallah

Rabbis write oen letter to Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah

To the Distinguished People of LebanonAssalam AlaikumMay the Almighty`s blessings be on all of you, your families, and all our esteemed brethren in Lebanon.We speak to you as the voice and messengers of true Jewry — the Jewish people, true to the Almighty`s Torah, from around the world.Less than a month has passed since we have addressed an open letter to Dr. Al-Zahar, and the people of Gaza and the

Excerpts from Nasrallah’s speech warning Israel (subtitled video)

An unambiguous warning from a man who has never made an empty threat: Full speech transcript: Source: Hizbullah Secretary General his eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah stressed that “Hizbullah and the Islamic Resistance stand prepared to face any potential aggression on Lebanon, for Imad Moghnieh has left behind tens of thousands of very well trained fighters who are more than ready for martyrdom”.His eminence added: “From July 2006 war until

Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei’s condolences to Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei wrote a message Thursday to pass on condolences to Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah over the martyrdom of the assassinated Lebanese warrior Hajj Imad Mughniyeh. The text of the message in full follows:Bismillah-e Rahman-e Rahim Dear brother Hojjat-ol-Islam Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah The martyrdom of the dedicated and diligent brother Hajj Imad Mughniyeh was a great accomplishment and a prosperous culmination for the

Israeli ministers gnash their teeth and call for the murder of Hassan Nasrallah

From Haaretz: After Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said Saturday that his organization is holding the remains of Israel Defense Forces soldiers killed in the Second Lebanon War, several government ministers on Sunday called for the militant chief’s assassination. “Nasrallah is a cruel and crazy man,” said Minister Yitzhak Cohen (Shas), during the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem. “I don’t understand why he is still breathing. We should have liquidated him

Full text of Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah speech following Bush’ visit to the Middle East

Source: Islamic Resistance in LebanonWhen Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) returns to earth, he will not uphold “Israel”, the Pharaohs or the despots… But he will empower the oppressed; he will not confront the temple’s thieves with his staff, but will carry his sword and gun to fight these despots. Hizbullah’s secretary-general appeared on the seventh night of Ashoura to speak out frankly to the people about what is

Nasrallah: ‘Best Way to Prevent War is to Be Ready For it’

This interview summary was originally published by the Lebanese website Promise:A summary for al-Sayyed Nasrallah’s interview on NBN on 2nd of January, 2008. Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said Wednesday that the solution to the Lebanese crisis lies in the partnership that is realized through a constitutional guarantee, namely the guaranteeing one-third of ministers within a national unity government. “The governing coalition’s refusing all attempts to set the foundations

Full text of H.E. Nasrallah`s Speech over Detainees Swap

(Moqawama) Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that the prisoner exchange between Hizbullah and the enemy entity is a partial and limited operation and that its focus was not numbers-based but rather strictly humanitarian, pending the more important operation. He pointed out that what happened gives impetus to the operation yet to come, which is more important to the resistance, the enemy and to the international mediator alike. In

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah`s Full Speech on al-Quds International Day

Secretary General of Hizbullah his eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered a speech during a ceremony organized by Hizbullah on the “International Al-Quds Day” occasion, with large public attendance at the Hall of the Lord of Martyrs in the Beirut`s southern suburbs. The event was attended by clerics, political and partisan Lebanese and Palestinian personalities, headed by the Lebanese president General Emile Lahoud, represented in the person of former Minister Yacoub

A Warning from Beirut’s No Bluff Zone

Nasrallah’s Surprise By Rannie Amiri “If you, the Zionists, are considering attacking Lebanon, I am reserving a surprise for you that will change the fate of the war and the region.” – Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, in a speech marking the end of last year’s war with Israel. “We have to take Nasrallah seriously. He has never lied.” – Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, infrastructure minister and member of Israel’s security cabinet, in reference

Al-Sayyed Nasrallah’s speech at Rayah Stadium on Divine Victory Festival

The full text of the victory speech given by Hizbullah Secretary General, his eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on August 14, 2007, at al-Rayah stadium. I take refuge in God from Satan the outcast, in the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, peace and prayers be upon our Lord and Seal of the Prophets Abu Kassim Mohammad the chosen and upon his infallible household, his chosen

Nasrallah vows colossal surprise if “Israel” attacks, Hizbullah doesn`t want another war with “Israel”

BEIRUT: Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned “Israel” on Tuesday against launching another war on Lebanon, saying any attempt to attack the country “will be faced with a colossal surprise likely to change the fate of the war and the region.” “You might say I am exercising a war of nerves … This is true yet my war of nerves is based on truthful facts and aims at avoiding any

Full Text of Sayyed Nasrallah`s Speech at Divine Victory Celebration at Baalbeck

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Salam (Peace) be upon you oh most honorable of people, who made the glory of the nation, you were the makers of the victory, heroes of the resistance, the meaning of sacrifice and symbols of steadfastness. I bless and congratulate you for the recorded victories and those yet to come in the course of mankind’s history and that of

CIA Terror Bombings, Bob Gates, and The Rise of Hezbollah

Terrorism, CIA-style Today is a banner day for aficionados of the CIA. After a 15-year Freedom of Information Act struggle, the National Security Archive has finally forced the CIA to reveal the “family jewels” — a 702 page treasure trove of documents characterized in The New York Times as a “catalog of domestic wiretapping operations, failed assassination plots, mind-control experiments and spying on journalists.” Whether or not you wade through
