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Tag "mizgin"

Tom Lantos: Old, Dead, Criminal

by Mizgin (author of the excellent Rasti blog) “It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly American criminal class except Congress.”~ Mark Twain. Yeah, okay . . . I wasn’t going to say anything, but after hearing an overblown, completely undeserved eulogy for the dead Tom Lantos on the local public radio station, I’m not letting it pass. You’ll remember Tom Lantos from Sibel

Israeli UAV support Turkish strikes on Kurdistan

Ha’aretz reports the following: Crews from Israel Aerospace Industries, operating unmanned aerial vehicles, are participating in Turkish military operations against PKK militants in northern Iraq, according to Turkish reports to be published today in the Turkish Daily News. Ten days ago, the Turkish television station Star reported that IAI Heron UAVs are being used in the offensive against the Kurds. The same report stated that Turkey’s Chief of Staff, General
