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Tag "Middle East Observer (MEO)"

Nasrallah: US choking Lebanon, Hezbollah will respond, Iran/China on standby

Important Note: Please help us keep producing independent translations for you by contributing as little as $1/month here Source: Description: In a televised speech on Tuesday (16.06.2020), Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah attributed the deteriorating economic situation in Lebanon to the role of the United States in seeking to strangle the Arab country in the service of Israeli interests. Nasrallah said that Hezbollah will not allow the United States to starve

Nasrallah: Iran’s Khamenei is our ‘Husayn’ & the leader of Resistance Axis – English Subs

Description: Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said in a large commemoration of ‘Ashura’ in Beirut (10-09-2019) that Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is the modern-day example of Imam Husayn and hence the Lebanese group will never forsaken him. The grandson of Prophet Muhammad and the third Imam in Shia Islam, Imam Husayn was martyred in Karbala (southern Iraq) in 680 AD by the army of the Umayyad caliph, Yazid I. Due

Saudi Analyst: ‘Israeli enemy’s presence in Gulf waters is rejected, but Iran is to blame’ – English Subs

Description: Saudi political analyst Dr. Ahmad al-Shahri recently said that while he is opposed to the “enemy state Israel” entering Persian Gulf waters as part of a so-called US-led maritime security mission, it is in fact Iran that is to blame for “summoning” Tel Aviv and the “whole world” to this area. Source: RT Arabic Date: 7 August, 2019 Transcript: Help our work continue by supporting us on Patreon… Subscribe –

Nasrallah: ‘Full reason to believe I myself will pray in al-Quds (Jerusalem)’ – English Subs

Description: In a recent extended interview marking 13 years after the major conflict between Hezbollah and Israel in 2006, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that based on “logic” and the “development of events in the region and the world”, he has great hope that he himself will “pray in the al-Aqsa Mosque in al-Quds (Jerusalem)”. Earlier in the interview, Nasrallah shared with viewers detailed war-time plans using maps of

Saudi analyst on Israeli TV: ‘Saudi Arabia & Israel should launch joint war on Iran’ – English Subs

Description: Saudi political analyst and writer Abd al-Hamid al-Ghobn said recently on the Israeli TV channel i24 News Arabic that Saudi Arabia and Israel should form a military alliance to launch a crippling strike on Iran. Al-Ghobn added that the current situation cannot be left ‘unresolved’, as Iran continues to develop, and the 30-year long economic embargo has failed to ignite any ‘revolution’ within Iran. Source: i24 News Arabic (YouTube) Date: July

‘Houthis have very primitive minds, we could defeat them if we wanted’: Saudi academic – English subs

Description: In a recent programme on RT Arabic surrounding the Yemeni crisis, Saudi political communications scholar Dr Abdullah al-Assaf said that the Houthis with their ‘very primitive minds’ could not possibly be behind the UAV and ballistic missile attacks on Saudi Arabia in recent weeks and months. Al-Assaf said that there must be experts from Hezbollah and Iran’s IRGC present in Yemen, and that these foreign experts are the ones

British-Arab think tank chief on ‘greatness’ of Saudi Arabia – English Subs

Description: In a recent appearance on Saudi state television, British-Arab think tank chief Amjad Taha was asked by the anchor as to why he loves to refer to the kingdom based in Riyadh as the ‘Great Saudi Arabia’. The British analyst explained that the Saudi Kingdom was ‘great’ partially because it acts as the “last remaining fortress in the face of the Iranian enemy”. Taha regularly appears on leading international

‘I was raised by a Jewish woman’, Saudi Arabia’s MBS tells US Journalist – English Subs

Description: A recent report on Al-Manar Tv covers the recent statements of American journalist and Christian Zionist Mike Evans regarding Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Following his meeting with bin Salman, Evans is convinced that bin Salman is more supportive of Israel than “a lot of Jews”. Quoting bin Salman, Evans also says the Saudi Crown Prince told him that he ‘likes’ Jews and was in fact raised by

Good news for the blog: our community is growing more talented people are joining us!

Dear friends, I have the pleasure to announce that even more talented people are joining our community, and in one of the most important aspects of our work: translations. Until now, we had one group of three translators translating Russia media into English: these are the original “Saker Community Translators”.  Now Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard (who ran the excellent website “Stalker Zone”) will be joining our community of Russian->English

Nasrallah: ‘In Iran war, all US forces/interests to be eradicated, Israel/Saudi to pay price’ – English Subs

Description: Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah says that the US government knows very well that a war with Iran will entail the eradication of all its forces and interests in the Middle East, and that Israel, the House of Saud and all those who “colluded and schemed” with the US will “pay the price”. Speaking at a ceremony to mark ‘International Quds Day’, Nasrallah was giving his take on the

‘Secularism is separation of religion from all of life, not only politics’: Kuwaiti Scholar – English Subs

Video link: Description: Prominent Kuwaiti thinker and media personality Dr Abd al-Aziz al-Qattan says that the Western notion of secularism is not the separation of religion from politics, but in fact the separation of religion from all aspects of daily life. Source: (YouTube) Date: May 21, 2019 Transcript: —————————————————————————————————— Help MEO grow with even $1/month on Patreon:… Subscribe – Website Mailing List: Like – Facebook page:… Follow –

Yemen’s Iran-allied Ansarullah: Our drone attack on Saudi oil facilities “strategic turning point” – Eng Subs

Video link: Description: A spokesman of Yemen’s Iran-allied Ansarullah (Houthi) movement said that the ‘qualitative drone operation’ against vital Saudi oil facilities represents a ‘strategic turning point’ in the Saudi-led war in the impoverished country. This translated video also contains other analytical excerpts from Al-Mayadeen Tv dealing with details and possible ramifications of the major drone operation deep within Saudi territory that was announced by Yemen’s (Ansarullah-led) Armed Forces days

Shia Iraqi Scholar warns US embassy & military bases: ‘Our silence won’t last forever’ – English Subs

Description: Prominent Shia Iraqi scholar Sayyed Hashem al-Haidari has issued a stern warning to the American military bases and embassy in Iraq, which he described as the “den of plots and espionage”. The US embassy in Iraq is said to be the largest one in the world. The Iraqi figure’s comments were made amidst rising tensions between Washington and Tehran. The US is deploying the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike

Nasrallah: ‘IRGC strongest force in ME, Resistance Axis will act if US pressure escalates’ – English Subs

Description: Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech yesterday that it was only “natural” for the Trump administration to include Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on its terror list, as the IRGC is the ‘most powerful and influential force’ in the Middle East today, one that supports and backs the “resistance factions and movement” in “every battlefield”. Nasrallah also warned the US that if its measures against

Fmr Iraqi PM calls for region-wide armed resistance to retake Syria’s Golan Heights – English Subs

Description: Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has called for a region-wide “military resistance” in order to retake Syria’s Golan Heights from Israel. US President Donald Trump recently recognised Israeli sovereignty over this Syrian territory, in defiance of the United Nations and most world states. Al-Maliki, who continues to enjoy considerable influence on Iraq’s political scene, also said that if Israel were to launch a new war on Lebanon, Iran,

(Update): How Online Users responded to YouTube’s termination of Middle East Observer – Facts & Figures

Hello fellow observers, Just five days after YouTube’s termination of our channel, here’s some of the major developments that occurred in response to this decision: a) the number of ‘Patrons’ supporting us financially on our Patreon page grew by an outstanding 70%, opening up much greater opportunities for MEO to not only become more sustainable but to increase its content production too (e.g. one more Patron and we will reach 30

Hezbollah-linked Analyst on reality of Russia’s alliance with Iran/Hezbollah – English Subs

Here’s our first video translation after YouTube terminated our channel: Description: Senior political analyst Anees Naqqash, who has very close ties to Hezbollah and enjoys an authoritative status on various Lebanese, Syrian and Arab media outlets, was asked in a recent interview on Lebanese television: how can Iran & the ‘Resistance Axis’ be strategically allied to Russia while Moscow’s officials repeatedly announce their commitment to Israel’s security? The ‘Resistance Axis’

(Urgent): YouTube terminates Middle East Observer after almost 10 years online

After almost 10 years online, over 250 videos, almost 13,000 subscribers, and about 8 million total video views, YouTube has terminated the Middle East Observer (MEO) channel on its platform. Although perhaps MEO became best known for its video translations of regional political actors such as Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, its work was certainly not limited to that. Middle East Observer sought to provide its viewers with reliable English translations on politics,
