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Tag "Lugansk Peoples Republic"

The Lugansk Republic situation, MID note to the DOS concerning Myrotvorets

by Scott Humor On November 15,  President Putin supported Viktor Medvedchuk’s proposed prisoner exchange between Ukraine and the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics. Putin met with the Leader of the Ukrainian Choice – People’s Right movement Viktor Medvedchuk during his visit to the Voskresensky New Jerusalem Monastery.   President Putin also talked on the phone with the heads of the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics for the first time since they declared independence from Ukraine after the anti-government

Ukraine escalates an armed conflict in Donbass

by Auslander The Situation in Gorlovka, DNR A few days ago we had some guests. One guest brought a friend with them, a person from a village near Gorlovka. At first the person was quite reticent about speaking of anything in front of me when the person understood very quickly that I was not Russian, I was from ‘the other side’. However, after I spoke to this person with VCO

EXCLUSIVE Interview with first head of LPR South-East Army counter-intelligence unit Vladimir Gromov

EXCLUSIVE Interview with first head of LPR South-East Army counter-intelligence unit Vladimir Gromov about paths the future of Ukraine and South-East could take. (Interview by PolitWera. Translation by V.P.E.) Can we say that partitioning of Ukraine benefits the West? If yes, why? V.G.: I would put it this way. Nobody needs Ukraine in its current configuration. The “color revolution” tactic based predominantly on destruction and division, is a US tactic.
