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Tag "Latin America"

Message for my Latin American friends (in the form of a song) UPDATED 2x!

Dear friends, I have to admit that I am absolutely heartbroken at the news coming out of Latin America.  Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, Colombia, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Bolivia – everywhere the people are struggling against what has been known as “Yankee imperialism” for decades.  The pendulum of history has swung back and forth many times in Latin America.  I remember the civil war in Argentina just before the coup

Geopolitical War Against Venezuela (part 2)

by Andrew Korybko PART II: The US’ Geopolitical War Against Venezuela (Please read Part I before this article) The Military-Political Game In Guyana The US is exploiting its latest proxy client, Guyana, in order to open up a second ground front in the containment of Venezuela. Franco Vielma, in a translated article for The Saker, brilliantly explains how this came to be. To summarize his detailed research (which the reader

Geopolitical War Against Venezuela (part 1)

by Andrew Korybko PART I: The US’ Geopolitical War Against Venezuela Ever since the presidency of the late Hugo Chavez, Venezuela has been the brightest multipolar beacon in the Western Hemisphere. Although Brazil is much larger and wealthier, some Latin American states have expressed fear about its future intentions, believing that ‘multipolarity’ is simply a slogan to justify Brasilia’s soft expansion into regional markets and resource reserves and replace Washington’s

Big and good news!! The Latin-American Saker blog is now officially active!

I had been waiting for this one with great anticipation and finally it has happened!  The Latin American Saker blog is now officially online, up and running at the following URL: is nothing short of fantastic as it bring in not just a language, but an entire culture, one of the most diverse and dynamic ones on the planet.  Furthermore, Latin America is, for sure, one of the main poles

¡Salve Correa y Ecuador ! Cuatro lecciones

por Atilio A. Boron para El Correo La aplastante victoria de Rafael Correa, con un porcentaje de votos y una diferencia entre él y su más inmediato contendiente que ya hubieran querido tener Obama, Hollande y Rajoy, deja algunas lecciones que es bueno recapitular. Primero, y lo más obvio, la ratificación del mandato popular para seguir por el camino trazado pero, como dijo Correa en su conferencia de prensa, avanzando más

Hugo Chavez hosts summit of new regional group minus US

The BBC reports: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is hosting a summit of a new regional bloc that brings together 33 nations of Latin America and the Caribbean.  The general aim of the group, which does not include the US or Canada, is to foster regional ties.  Mr Chavez has described the bloc as a counter to US influence in the region. The two-day summit is Mr Chavez’s first big international

Latin America mourns the death of Néstor Kirchner

by Carlo Moiana Former president Néstor Kirchner has unexpectedly died today of heart failure. He was the first elected president of Argentina after the terrible economical and political crisis that the country suffered in 2001. Kirchner had had some health problems lately: in February he had a surgery for problems in the carotid artery, and in September he had an angioplasty. His doctors recommended him rest, but he kept a

46 Warships and 7,000 Troops Reported to Be Heading to Central American Country and Coast

By Jamie Way for The Narco News Bulletin In a controversial decision that is likely to fan the flames of regional tensions in Latin America, Costa Rica recently granted the US permission to move 7,000 troops and 46 warships (along with their accompanying planes and helicopters) into Costa Rican waters. Officially, the act is considered to be part of the “Drug War,” which appears to be increasingly more war-like in

The Mossad in South America

(thanks to John for drawing my attention to this article – VS) by Nil Nikandrov for the Strategic Culture Foundation “N”, a correspondent from an Iranian media agency, whom I met in the association of foreign journalists in Caracas, told me that he used to work in Buenos Aires for some time. Things were going well, N’s employer was satisfied with the job he did, and he planned to spend

7 Questions for Carlo Moiana about the current situation in Latin America

Today its my very real pleasure to publish my interview with Carlo who, since our “meeting” in August 08, became a regular commentator on this blog. Carlo is extremely well-informed about the situation in Latin America (his other specialty is Russia) and I asked him to agree to a Q&A about the current developments on this continent. It is hard to overstate the importance of Latin America in the worldwide

Obama, Is Preparing for War in South America

Interview with Eva Golinger by Mike Whitney for Information Clearing House Mike Whitney: The US media is very critical of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. He’s frequently denounced as “anti-American”, a “leftist strongman”, and a dictator. Can you briefly summarize some of the positive social, economic and judicial changes for which Chavez is mainly responsible? Eva Golinger: The first and foremost important achievement during the Chávez administration is the 1999 Constitution,

US ‘involved in Honduras military coup’

Press TV reports: The United States was involved in a military coup in Honduras that ousted President Manuel Zelaya on June 28, a top aide to Zelaya says. Before heading to Costa Rica, the Honduran military plane that flew Zelaya into exile stopped to refuel at the Soto Cato air base (Palmerola) where at least 500 US troops are based, said Patricia Valle, the deputy foreign minister of Zelaya. Palmerola

The US Empire looses yet another country, this time El Salvador

Leftist Victory in El Salvador Closes an Historic Cycle By Marc Cooper for the Huffington Post The apparent victory of leftist candidate Maurico Funes in Sunday’s presidential election in El Salvador finally closes out the Cold War in Central America and raises some serious questions about the long term goals of U.S. foreign policy. With Funes’ election, history has come full cycle. Both El Salvador and neighboring Nicaragua will now

Victory for Venezuela’s Socialists in Crucial Elections – November 2008

by James Petras for Venezuela Analysis The pro-Chavez United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) won 72% of the governorships in the November 23, 2008 elections and 58% of the popular vote, dumbfounding the predictions of most of the pro-capitalist pollsters and the vast majority of the mass media who favored the opposition. PSUV candidates defeated incumbent opposition governors in three states (Guarico, Sucre, Aragua) and lost two states (Miranda and

Threat to Democracy in Latin America

On 10 September, the president of Bolivia declared the US ambassador to Bolivia persona non grata. On 11 September (the 35th anniversary of the military overthrow of Salvador Allende in Chile) the president of Venezuela asked the US ambassador to Venezuela to leave the country. President Hugo Chavez believed he was facing the possibility of an imminent coup d’etat in which he accused the United States administration of being involved.

Reactionary Rampage: The Paramilitary Massacre in Bolivia

by Forrest Hylton for NACLA Bolivian President Evo Morales’ expulsion of US Ambassador Phillip Goldberg on September 10 for alleged coup plotting sparked the latest diplomatic crisis in the Americas. But the diplomatic fallout has overshadowed the internal dynamics that led to the massacre of some 30 campesinos with perhaps as many as 40 more disappeared in El Porvenir, Pando, near Bolivia’s northeastern border with Brazil. The massacre coincided with

Iran and the left in Latin America

By Kaveh L Afrasiabi for the Asia Times Bolivian President Evo Morales is in Tehran this week, ushering in a new chapter in his country’s economic and strategic cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has promised a hefty investment in Bolivia’s energy sector and other joint ventures, some involving other Latin and Central American countries, such as Venezuela and Nicaragua, not to overlook Cuba. In a joint communique,
