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Tag "Kosovo"

American-style history lesson about Kosovo

Kosovo: The Brave Tribes Are Doomed By Gary Brecher for the eXile FRESNO, CALIFORNIA — Hey, you want to hear the New World whining at Old Europe? Here it is, from a press conference Condi Rice gave about Kosovo: “I mean after all, we’re talking about something from 1389. 1389! It’s time to move forward. And Serbia needs to move forward. Kosovo needs to move forward. Well, I think we

Government Falls in Belgrade

by Srdja Trifkovic for Chronicles Magazine Far from indicating Serbia’s readiness to cower into the vivisection kennel, Tadic’s victory on February 3 was the last chance for the U.S. and the EU to stop the Kosovo trainwreck. Both Washington and Brussels decided to play va banque instead. Serbia’s resulting anger against the West will translate into the well-deserved demise for the DS and other “pro-Western democrats” at the parliamentary election

The Real Story Behind Kosovo’s Independence

Lessons in the Bi-Partisanship of Empire By JEREMY SCAHILL News Flash: The Bush administration acknowledges there is a such thing as international law. But, predictably, it is not being invoked to address the US prison camps at Guantanamo, the wide use of torture, the invasion and occupation of sovereign countries, the extraordinary rendition program. No, it is being thrown out forcefully as a condemnation of the Serbian government in the

Kosovo: A New Day of Infamy for a New Century

by Srdja Trifkovic The grotesque charade in Pristina on Sunday, February 17, crowned a decade and a half of U.S. policy in the former Yugoslavia that has been mendacious and iniquitous in equal measure. By encouraging its Albanian clients go ahead with the unilateral proclamation of independence written at the Department of State, the U.S. administration has made a massive leap into the unknown. That leap is potentially on par

Camp Bondsteel – the Empire’s base in “independent” Kosovo

Camp Bondsteel The United States agreed to provide a force of approximately 7,000 US personnel as part of the NATO KFOR to help maintain a capable military force in Kosovo and to ensure the safe return of Kosovar refugees. The US supports KFOR by providing the headquarters and troops for one of the four NATO sectors. The US also provides personnel, units and equipment to other components of the KFOR

Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica addresses the Serbian nation about Kosovo

Translation: “Dear citizens of Serbia, Today, on February 17, a phoney state of Kosovo has been declared in the part of Serbia’s territory that is under military control of NATO. This unprecedented lawlessness came as a result of destructive, cruel and immoral policy of force implemented by the US. This act informs the whole world that America puts force over the UN Charter and is ready to self-willingly, unscrupulously and

Serbia’s historical leaders on the secession of Kosovo

Канцеларија Њ.К.В. Престолонаследника Александра II The Office of H.R.H. Crown Prince Alexander PRESS RELEASE FROM THE CROWN COUNCIL REGARDING THE DECLARATION OF AN ALBANIAN STATE ON THE TERRITORY OF SERBIA The 17th of February 2008 is a date which will live in infamy! On that day Europe had diminished its own morale, embarassed its own history and shown that it carries within its organism the virus of its own downfall!

Kosovo Serbs see EU mission as ‘occupation

EU Business reports: The EU police and justice mission aimed at helping Kosovo’s transition to independence is a form of “occupation,” Kosovo Serb leader Milan Ivanovic said Saturday. “In essence, the mission has the characteristics of an occupation and it will be accepted neither by Serbia nor by the Serbs in Kosovo,” Ivanovic told AFP hours after Brussels approved the mission’s deployment. European Union nations have agreed to send a

Bosnian Serbs play up secession threats over Kosovo

By Olja Stanic BANJA LUKA, Bosnia (Reuters) – Bosnian Serb nationalists stepped up threats on Thursday to secede from Bosnia if Kosovo declares independence from Serbia on Sunday. “In case Kosovo proclaims independence, we shall request independence for the Serb Republic as well,” Branislav Dukic, the chairman of SPONA, an association gathering several Bosnian Serb war veterans groups, told a news conference. Under the Dayton accords that ended the 1992-95

Serbia’s statement to the UNSC

UN Security Council must urgently condemn Pristina’s intent to unilaterally declare Kosovo independence Belgrade/New York, Feb 14, 2008 – Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Jeremic pointed out tonight in his address before the UN Security Council in New York that the Security Council must urgently act to condemn the clear intent of the authorities in Pristina to unilaterally, illegally, and illegitimately declare independence from the Republic of Serbia as

All institutions devoted to full state, national unity in defending Kosovo-Metohija

Belgrade, Feb 12, 2008 – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica stated today that in light of the impending declaration of unilateral independence of Kosovo-Metohija, all state institutions have one and the same goal – to show full state and national unity in defending the province. In a statement to the Beta news agency, Kostunica stressed that at the moment, this is the most important message to Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija. We

Walid Jumblatt and Israelis jointly plan next Lebanese civil war (UPDATED)

Al-Manar TV reports: Just after the head of the Progressive Socialist Party MP Walid Jumblatt finished his press conference on Sunday, Israeli media went for analyses. They read in his speech a direct message to Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah. Jumblatt openly stated in his speech that he’s ready for war. “If you think that we are going to sit with our hands tied, then perhaps we would have

Serbia will not give consent to independence of Kosovo-Metohija

Belgrade, Feb 9, 2008 – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica stated today that Kosovo-Metohija is priceless to Serbia, which is why it will not give its consent, in the form of some agreement with the EU, to the southern province’s independence. In a statement to the Tanjug news agency, Kostunica said that by deciding to send a mission to implement Kosovo’s unilateral independence, the EU has breached UN Security Council

Statement of Bishop Artemije on Kosovo

Bishop Artemije issued the statement prior to his visit to Washington (source: PRNewswire-USNewswire) Following today’s publication of a Washington Times commentary written by former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, former UN Ambassador John Bolton and former Assistant Secretary of Defense Peter Rodman urging the Bush Administration to withhold recognition of a unilateral declaration of Kosovo independence, His Grace, Bishop Artemije of Ras and Prizren issued the following statement prior to

Bolton, Eagleburger and Rodman’s warning about Kosovo

(Note: I think that there is an American saying which says that even a broken watch is correct once every 12 hours. So please spare us the ad hominems about the authors of this piece – what matters is not who they are/were but what they say; or, if you prefer, that even they are saying what they say. In other words, recognizing Kosovo is something which even a patented

Albanian terrorists issue threat

Kosovo Armed Group Issues Warning 27 December 2007 Pristina: A shadowy armed group in Kosovo, the Albanian National Army, is preparing for potential trouble in the Serb-inhabited north of the region after Kosovo’s expected declaration of independence, Balkan Insight can reveal. By Krenar Gashi In an exclusive interview for Balkan Insight, the group’s frontman, identified only as Arberi, said that his group, known by its initials as the ANA, was

The Battle for Kosovo is a battle for Serbia’s freedom

Belgrade, Dec 26, 2007 – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica stressed today in address to MPs that the battle for Kosovo is the battle for Serbia’s freedom as neither as people or state are we free if Kosovo is not the province within Serbia as written in the Constitution. The Serbian government’s official website brings the Prime Minister’s speech in full. “Honourable parliament members, You have before you today the

Clinton’s ticking time bomb in the Balkans

With all the talk about the Neocon’s fabulously evil and incompetent foreign policy one might forget that it did not all begin with Dubya and his administration. The first elective war which was fought in blatant and clear violation of international law, the UN charter and even basic decency was the US-lead NATO aggression on Yugoslavia. It all really began with the joint US-Croatian attack on the UN protection areas

Serbia offers Kosovo internal autonomy

Iran’s PRESS TV reports that Serbia is going to offer a solution to the Kosovo issue which will be acceptable to all sides in the upcoming direct negotiations in New York. “Our proposal offers internal independence to Kosovo, or an opportunity for the ethnic Albanians to manage their own lives,” Serbian negotiation team member Goran Bogdanovic was quoted as saying. He pointed out that Serbia would not interfere in the
