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Tag "KLA"

Kosovo organ trafficking: Williamson to head EU probe

In the meantime, the EU is investigating the other “democratic” US/NATO ally in the Mediterranean region: the KLA and its leader, Hashim Thaci for, of all things, Israeli-style organ trafficking.  Just like the Israelis harvested organs from their Palestinian victims, the Kosovo Albanians harvested organs from their Serbian victims. The report was based on a two-year investigation led by special rapporteur Dick Marty, and it named Mr Thaci – who

If you thought the Bodies Exhibit was bad…

(re-printed by kind permission from the Prisoner of Starvation’s excellent blog) A couple months ago, I looked at 20/20’s exposé of the Bodies exhibits that are popping up all over the country. I didn’t think that the sordid alliance of corrupt officials of a repressive government and the greedy corporations buying bodies of tortured/executed political prisoners and putting on display could be topped in terms of macabre, but I was

All institutions devoted to full state, national unity in defending Kosovo-Metohija

Belgrade, Feb 12, 2008 – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica stated today that in light of the impending declaration of unilateral independence of Kosovo-Metohija, all state institutions have one and the same goal – to show full state and national unity in defending the province. In a statement to the Beta news agency, Kostunica stressed that at the moment, this is the most important message to Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija. We

The War Empire Forgot

by Nebojsa Malic The September morning six years ago that saw three hijacked jetliners slam into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon has often been called “the day everything changed.” What really changed was Americans’ skepticism of their own government – a fact that has been abused ever since. The man from Crawford who campaigned on the promise of a “more humble foreign policy” and against Clintonian “nation-building” quickly
