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Tag "Judaism"

Wow! Just listen to these crazies

A good friend of mine just sent me this video: Listening to these crackpots made me wonder if the pro-Apartheid South Africans were ever that totally nuts. From my recollection of these years, the South African racists were not nearly as gone finishing as the Ziocrazies on this video. And Blacks sure were treated much better in Apartheid South African and Palestinians are in the “Jewish state”. I really wonder,

The Three-Legged Monster

by Gilad Atzmon for Paletine Think Tank Unlike her cosmopolitan brothers and sisters who spread Zionism and tribal racism using a liberal and progressive disguise, Melanie Philips is open about it all. The other day she defined what Zionism is in a very clear manner: “Zionism,” writes Philips, “is simply the movement for the self-determination of the Jewish people. And its significance is greater than any other movement of national

The Saker interviews Roger Tucker, author of the One Democratic State blog

After a lengthy break from making interviews, I am finally returning to this aspect of my work with what I consider one of the most interesting interviews I ever made. One of my readers (thanks RC!) pointed me to the website and work of Robert Tucker, truly an immensely interesting and courageous person whom I consider to be the living proof of the fact that no amount of propaganda and

The life of one yeshiva boy is worth more than the lives of 1,000 Arabs

by Kobi Nahshoni for Ynet Some 1,000 people attended a memorial service at the Mercaz Harav rabbinical seminary Thursday, marking the one-month anniversary of the murderous attack which claimed the lives of eight young men. Also attending the service were many prominent rabbis of the Religious Zionist Movement, who were not shy about expressing their rage against the government’s policy. Rabbi Yaakov Shapira, head of the Mercaz Harav yeshiva, chose

Swindler’s List

by Gilad Atzmon (originally posted here) It is a common trend amongst rabid Zionists and notorious Islamophobes to quote some isolated and mistranslated verses from the Qur’an for the purpose of collectively libeling Muslims and presenting Islam as a regressive and violent belief system. Needless to say, so far, such repetitive attempts have been found futile if not actually counter-effective. Not a single Western politician, Zionist campaigner or Neocon think

Let’s re-write a Ha’aretz article!

Today, I though that it would be fun to re-write an article published by the “liberal” Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz. Here is the original (excerpt): Yesha rabbinical council chief: Don’t rent houses to ArabsBy Nadav Shragai, Haaretz Correspondent The chairman of the Yesha rabbinical council and chief rabbi of Kiryat Arba, Rabbi Dov Lior, on Wednesday issued a halakhic ruling stating that it is forbidden by Jewish law to employ Arabs

Fantastic stuff in my inbox: meet the folks at “Think-Israel”

I get all sorts of stuff in my inbox, sometimes nice comments, and some hate mail, but not nearly as much as I thought I would get when I started this blog. Sometimes, rarely, I get a real “gem” which makes me happy for a long, long while. Yesterday I got such a gem: an email announcing the new issue of something called Think-Israel. I took a look at the

Rabbis write oen letter to Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah

To the Distinguished People of LebanonAssalam AlaikumMay the Almighty`s blessings be on all of you, your families, and all our esteemed brethren in Lebanon.We speak to you as the voice and messengers of true Jewry — the Jewish people, true to the Almighty`s Torah, from around the world.Less than a month has passed since we have addressed an open letter to Dr. Al-Zahar, and the people of Gaza and the

Non-Zionist Jews blast Israel’s chief rabbi for racist remarks

From Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank Neturei Karta, an international society representing non-Zionist Orthodox Jews, has blasted recent remarks by Yoni Metzger, Israel’s Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi, in which the rabbi called for the deportation of the people of Gaza to the Egyptian Sinai desert. In a statement circulated to the press earlier this week, Neturei Karta called Metzger’s remarks “vicious and provocative.” “Yona Metger is not an authentic rabbi,

Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger wants to deport Palestinians to the Sinai desert (UPDATES 1 and 2!)

Just listen to this loony: This is not just some smiling lunatic speaking, no, this is nothing less than Yona Metzger the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, i.e. the head of the largest most numerous group of religious Jews in Israel. And that gentleman calmly proposes to commit a major crime against humanity (deportation). Interestingly, in the Haaretz article about this interview the editors only report on Metzger’s crazy proposals,

UK Jews and Israelis behind anti-Israel boycott

Jewish Chronicle investigation reveals Jewish, Israeli academics justify their activity as part of struggle for Palestinian rights, ending Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories: Named: boycott ringleaders By By Bernard Josephs and Nicole Hazan The JC today identifies the key players in the escalating British campaign to boycott Israel. Our investigation shows that many are Jewish or Israeli, and that they justify their stance as part of the struggle for Palestinian

Former Sephardi chief rabbi calls for the carpet bombing of 1.4 millions Palestinians living inside the 135 square miles of Gaza strip

Many observers critical of Israel, Zionism or Judaism point out that the object of their hostility is not the Jewish ethnicity (in fact – many of these critics are Jews themselves: Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Michael Neumann, Israel Shahak, Amy Goodman, Israel Shamir, Gilad Atzmon are just some of the better known ones), but the ideologies of Zionism or Judaism which are deeply hostile to all non-Jews. There is plenty
