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Tag "John Freeman"

Skripal vs Khashoggi: Some countries are more equal than others

by John Freeman for The Saker Blog International politics and hypocrisy have always gone together like sewers and stink, but the contrast between the recent media and government reactions to the Skripal poisoning, on the one hand, and the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, on the other, reflects a new high water mark for duplicity and deceit by the New World Order and its satraps. The blizzard of newsfeed and groupthink

Russia Never Threatened Me

by John Freeman for the Saker Blog I don’t get it. I’ve been watching the hysteric reaction of the news media, the MIC, the Deep State, the Zionist neocons, and politicians on both sides of the aisle to President Trump’s new detente with Russia, and I’m left wondering why the prospect of peaceful coexistence with a nuclear-armed superpower is seen as a bad thing. After listening to the usual drivel
