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Tag "Islam"

Tom Tancredo’s absolutely crazy foreign policy proposal

Where is the War on Terror heading?By Bita Ghaffari, Press TV, TehranRecent remarks by the US presidential hopeful Tom Tancredo have shed more light on the absolute chaos governing American politics. The Republican long shot said last week the best way to ward off a nuclear assault on American soil is to threaten to bomb Islam’s holiest sites in Mecca and Medina. The brash assertion even sparked a reaction from

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei views on women in Islam

Islam’s emphasis on women’s family role never means it refuses their presence in other parts of society Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei told an elite assembly of Iranian women Wednesday that in Islam’s view, the responsibility of running the society and country falls on every individual men and women alike whereas the prime assignment of women at every social status lies in the foundation of family. Ayatollah Khamenei

The bigger picture for the Middle-East

While Imperial politicians are still entertaining hopes that loud denounciations will make a difference, a “new Middle-East” (to use Condi Rice’s expression) is definintely being created by the recent events in Gaza even if it is not at all the Middle-East envisioned by the USA. The following are the main changes which have, and are still, taking place: The Arabs are not afraid of the Empire any more. Robert Fisk
