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Tag "information war"

On the Night Before Christmas Comes the Ghost of Russian Private Armies, by Scott Humor

December 15, a day of remembrance for journalists killed in the line of duty is observed across Russia in memory of journalists who died while simply doing their jobs. We remember how Russian journalists were made to be targets by NATO-backed forces in Ukraine. The hunt was declared not just on Russian journalists, but Ukrainians and Italians who were writing against the NATO occupation. A similar relentless hunt was conducted

Russian elections SITREP September 18, 2016 by Scott Humor

The upcoming Russian parliamentary elections President Putin made an appeal to the citizens of Russia to come out and vote. Considering that he is our commander-in-chief, his words are the command for all. In terms of getting familiar with the political parties in Russia, I recommend this basic outline of the major political parties in the following article in RI translation: Duma Elections 2016: Putin Majority Will Win, Liberals Won’t

President Putin’s ongoing battle with offshore capital flight, by Scott

In modern information war, he who starts it – loses it. Scott Since the April 4th, we all have been enjoying the “revelations” coming from OCCRD an organization funded by the George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and the USAID, a front for C.I.A. operations and operatives. In brief, they claim that people known to President Putin personally shifted $2bln though some offshore shell companies to avoid sanctions on financial translations

The “Russia Insider” project is officially launched today!

I am delighted to announce that I have been contacted by the editors of the new website Russia Insider and that I have accepted their offer to collaborate with them.  I did agree to this not only because I knew several of the excellent contributors to this project, but also because I truly believe that it is a much needed, timely and very important project (please see Russia Insider’s “About”
