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Tag "Imperial Hubris"

What is that crazy bitch smoking?

Listen to these words of wisdom about the situation in Afghanistan: “They face a stark choice between war and peace, as (…) military pressure on them mounts.  They cannot defeat us. And they cannot escape this choice” Who do you think said that? Mullah Omar? Hakimullah Mehsud? Maybe Osama himself (from the word beyond, IMHO)? Nope. Its that crazy bitch Hillary! She is one hell of a joker, is she

Iran in the crosshairs (again). Ditto for Latin America.

The Islamic Republic is in trouble, no doubt. Following the failure of the coup attempt against Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei by Rafsanjani and his “Guccis” (via Mousavi) one could have somewhat naively hoped that things would settle down, but this is clearly not the case. It now appears that Intelligence Minister Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejeie has been sacked and replaced by Majid Alavi. There are also reports of other ministers

GM sells the Hummer to China

The Hummer. The ultimate symbol of American arrogance. The bloated, loud, gas-guzzling road monster trailer trash uses to impress cheerleaders and kill “ragheads”. The ultimate rejection of any kind of ecological sensitivity. The proud expression of the imperial hubris which wannabe Texas machos (like Dubya) liked to see Americans drive in. The Hummer is being sold to “Communist” China. What a pathetically fitting end for this obnoxious piece of garbage.

$75 Billion More in War Spending?

How Many Democrats Will Stand Up to Obama’s Bloated Military Budget By Jeremy Scahill April 10, 2009 “Information Clearing House – Much of the media attention this week on President Obama’s new military budget has put forward a false narrative wherein Obama is somehow taking his socialist/pacifist sledgehammer to the Pentagon’s war machine and blasting it to smithereens. Republicans have charged that Obama is endangering the country’s security, while the

Obama’s first foreign policy initiative: scrapping the anti-missile system in Europe

Russian and western media outlets are reporting that Obama has offered a deal to the Russians: help us with Iran and we will not deploy the anti-missile system in Europe (see, for example, here). Officially, the American logic goes like that: IF the Iranians drop their nuclear program and IF they stop the development of long-range missiles, THEN there is no more need for an anti-missile system in Europe. Talk

Cold War shivers

This will appear in the next issue of Al-Ahram Weekly Sense is returning to East-West relations, despite the US and NATO, affirms Eric Walberg 2008 will be remembered as a turning point in Russia’s relations with the West. It was a tumultuous year, with Kosovo, missiles in Europe and NATO’s seemingly relentless march eastward like thunderclouds gathering on Russia’s horizon, which finally burst 8 August over South Ossetia, bringing

Half of Bank Bailout Money Going to Shareholders

This from today’s Democracy Now: The Washington Post reports major US banks are on pace to spend more than half their bailout money on rewarding their shareholders. The thirty-three banks are set to receive some $163 billion in government bailouts. Half of that sum would go toward paying off shareholders over the next three years. The Bush administration touted the bank bailout as necessary to resume lending. But Treasury officials

Iraqi VP: US blackmailing Iraq over SOFA

Press TV reports: The US military has threatened to halt vital services in Iraq if Baghdad refuses to sign a controversial US security pact with Washington. In addition to halting all military actions, US forces would cease activities that support Iraq’s economy, educational sector and other areas- ‘everything’ – Tariq al-Hashemi, Iraq’sVice President told the US newspaper McClatchy. According to al-Hashemi, many Iraqi politicians view the move as ‘political blackmail’.

700 billon for the bailout, another 630 billion for “defense” and the exchanges are crashing again…

MARKET DATA – 18:26 UK FTSE 100 4589.19 down -391.06 -7.85% Dax 5387.01 down -410.02 -7.07% Cac 40 3711.98 down -368.77 -9.04% Dow Jones 9784.50 down -540.88 -5.24% Nasdaq 1827.20 down -120.19 -6.17% BBC Global 30 5013.73 down -194.94 -3.74% There goes the 700 billion dollars bailout. Oh, and by the way, the Imperial Congress also passed a 630 billion dollars “defense” bill.

Another great cartoon by Carlos Latuff

Carlos Latuff’s cartoon are, I think, the best ones out there. Check them out here. I mostly find out about them on Tony’s Palestinian Pundit blog (truly a ‘must visit daily’ for anyone interested in the Middle-East). Here is the latest Latuff (click on the image for better resolution):

US offers $3’000’000 brides to Iraqi MP for SOFA agreement

Press TV reports: ‘US bribing Iraqi MPs to sign deal’ The US has offered bribes to Iraqi MPs to lure them into endorsing a security deal that critics believe would make Iraq a US colony. Sources in Iraq’s parliament told Press TV on Thursday that Washington has offered three-million dollars in bribe to the lawmakers who sign the “framework accord.” Under the agreement, the US would be allowed to set

Reading the Washington Pravda

The Washington Pravda (a.k.a. the Washington Post) just published an article entitled “Fighting in Beirut Threatens a Top Bush Administration Priority”. Carefully wrapped into a lot of Neocon bull, there are some interesting admissions in this piece. Judge for yourself: (Pravda text in italics) On the eve of his trip to the Middle East next week, President Bush faces the collapse of one of his three top priorities in the

Absolutely brilliant questionning of Petraeus and Crocker by Rep. Ron Paul

As my readers have already noticed, I am rather angry at Rep. Ron Paul for throwing in the towel in the 2008 election instead of doing what this SOB Lieberman (successfully) did and run as an independent. Still, when I heard Ron Paul’s remarks to Petraeus and Crocker I found myself daydreaming about what a Paul Presidency could have meant to the rest of the world (I am not supportive

We Own The World

By Noam Chomsky for “ZNet“ You all know, of course, there was an election — what is called “an election” in the United States — last November. There was really one issue in the election, what to do about U.S. forces in Iraq and there was, by U.S. standards, an overwhelming vote calling for a withdrawal of U.S. forces on a firm timetable.As few people know, a couple of months

US ‘OK’d trespassing into Iran, Syria’

PRESS TV reports that the US military forces in Iraq had been authorized to cross into Iranian and Syrian borders ‘in pursuit of gunmen’, a report reveals. A classified 2005 document which has been made public by an independent website said the US forces had been given permission to chase what it called terrorists and former members of Saddam Hussein’s government into Iran and Syria. According to Wikileaks, US officials

Bolton, Eagleburger and Rodman’s warning about Kosovo

(Note: I think that there is an American saying which says that even a broken watch is correct once every 12 hours. So please spare us the ad hominems about the authors of this piece – what matters is not who they are/were but what they say; or, if you prefer, that even they are saying what they say. In other words, recognizing Kosovo is something which even a patented

Listening to Caligula – reflexions on the Empire’s fate

This morning I finally gathered the courage to sit down and listen to Caligula’s speech to the Imperial Senate. I was prepared for the worst, but what I actually saw was even worse than what I had expected. What should I have expected to hear from the most incompetent President in US history speaking in front of a Congress even more despised by the American people? Should I have had

The situation in Gaza is the proof of a stunning Israeli intelligence failure

The developments in Gaza are the proof that the Israeli intelligence services are the most over-rated on the planet. Long gone is the “Entebbe” image of a daring and all-knowing Israeli intelligence community and as more information comes in about the recent developments in Gaza one is lead to wonder how incompetent the Israelis really are. Times Online has revealed that Hamas ‘spent months cutting through Gaza wall in secret

US Imperial arrogance on the high seas: this time in the Taiwan Strait

Sino-American Showdown in Taiwan Strait: Chinese Navy Confronted USS Kitty Hawk Newsmax via Global Research A Chinese attack submarine and destroyer confronted the U.S. carrier Kitty Hawk and its battle group in the Taiwan Strait, sparking a tense 28-hour standoff that brought both sides to a battle-ready position. The American ships were heading to Japan following China’s sudden cancellation of a scheduled Thanksgiving port call in Hong Kong when they
