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Tag "homos in Russia"

Why I say that the “homo rights in Russia” lobby is full of crap

In the comments section of my previous post, Jack brought to my attention the following video:It is supposed to show how a “Gay Reporter Kicked off Kremlin Network After Protesting Anti Gay Law“ Now the way this video ends one could be forgiven for thinking that the homo in question, James Kirchick, was rudely thrown off the set or something similar.  Except that what actually happened is that they simply

Anti “gay parade” poster seen in Moscow

As many of you have probably heard from the outraged Western corporate media, the Russian Duma has passed a law banning the public propaganda of homosexuality (homosexual practices, however, remain legal).  Supporters of this law demonstrated in front of the Duma building carrying the following poster.  The text in the middle of the posters ask the following question from the Russian deputies: In which parade will your son participate?  I
