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Tag "Holocaust cult"

Now that is weird coincidence!

Check out what I just found in my mailbox: Uh?  Am I suffering from Déjà vu?!I though that this was Madeleine Albright’s story…  Quick check – yes it was!  Second check – wow, its true for Kerry too.  Again?!  WTF?!Don’t these top officials undergo a very extensive FBI clearance process before being nomination for that kind of top positions?  How could they not know something as basic has their family

Finkelstein says NO to Crocodile Tears

(I just saw this on Gilad’s blog and it’s too good to pass) Note: the full movie can be downloaded from the Pirate Bay here: It is worth noting that unlike some pseudo-progressives or anarcho-capitalists, the producers of this movie are not threatening lawsuits about the so-called “illegal” downloads of their movie. Instead, they posted this message on The Pirate Bay: Hello torrenters. I’m the owner of the film

The Holocaust Backfires

by Gilad Atzmon Ynet reports: Peres in Berlin, Netanyahu in Auschwitz, Lieberman in Budapest and Edelstein at the UN headquarters in New York all plan to attack the Goldstone report into the Gaza war on International Holocaust Day this Wednesday. Israel’s political echelon will once again try to divert attention from the fact that the Israeli crime is beyond comparison. Israeli Propaganda Minister Edelstein told Ynet before leaving for New

Israeli settlers threaten ‘Holocaust’ in occupied Palestine

The BBC reports this morning that Jewish settlers are suspected of being behind an attack on a mosque in the north of the occupied West Bank. Attackers set fire to bookshelves and a large area of carpet in the mosque, and sprayed graffiti in Hebrew on a wall (…) Israeli human rights groups have accused the police and army of running inadequate investigations into such incidents. One group reported that

Accessory vs. Perpetrator

by Gilad Atzmon German State Prosecutors Hans-Joachim Lutz announced yesterday that Mr John Demjanjuk, 89, is accused of being an ‘accessory’ of the death of 27,900 Jews. Many of us may not understand what the legal notion of ‘accessory’ stands for. An ‘accessory’ is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal.
