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Tag "History of the Orthodox People project"

History of the Orthodox People website launched!

Dear friends, It is a real joy for me to announce to you the official launch of the History of the Orthodox People (HOP) website and project.  You can now find it here: Please keep in mind that at this point in time the HOP website is a placeholder, a kind of leaf-less “tree” with each “branch” dedicated to the history of one, specific, Orthodox people but with all

Call for volunteers for a major research project

Dear friends, As I have mentioned in the past, in January 2017 I will be starting a major new project entitled “History of the Orthodox People” (HOP). The main goal of this project is to present a general history of the various local Orthodox Churches in general and, specifically, to restore the historical truth about the genocides committed against the Orthodox people and about the subsequent historical cover-ups.  The rationale
