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Tag "Gush Shalom"

Gush Shalom: Assassinations in Bethlehem and Tulkarm – grave provocation

Press Release, March 13, 2008 Gush Shalom: Assassinations in Bethlehem and Tulkarm – grave provocation The government does not want a ceasefire, but a new flareup Those who sent the assassins to carry out “liquidations” today, in Tulkarm and Bethlehem, knew what they were doing – a grave act of provocation which might blow up the serious chance which had opened up, to reach ceasefire and calm. This is a

From Stalingrad to Winograd

by Uri Avnery FOR SOME days, the country looked like the Place de la Concorde in 1793. The entire public sat expectantly facing the guillotine, waiting for the tumbril to bring the marquis, for the marquis to lie down, for the blade to fall on his neck and for a soldier to hold up the bloody, severed head for the amusement of the spectators. All eyes were fixed on the

“GAZA: LIFT THE BLOCKADE” – The Relief Convoy on its way

(Source: Gush Shalom mailing list and website)——- Click here to watch video from the convoy (sorry, Hebrew only) The initiative for the large action that took place today (26.1.08) started when the well-know psychiatrist, Dr. Eyad al-Sarraj, the human-rights activist from Gaza, met in the Gush Shalom office with a small group of Israeli peace activists, in order to tell them about the desperate situation in the strip. It was

Thousands of Palestinians stuck under appalling conditions at Rafah – 31-year old mother of five died yesterday under the blazing sun

Thousands of Palestinians stuck under appalling conditions at Rafah – 31-year old mother of five died yesterday under the blazing sun – Gush Shalom demands immediate opening of the Rafah Crossing for which the government of Israel and the European Union share responsibility After the translated press release follows a call for action Press Release, July 2, 2007 – Hebrew attached / עברית מצורף Gush Shalom, the Israeli Peace Bloc,

The Saker interviews Uri Avnery from the Israeli Gush Shalom

Today I begin what I hope will be a continuous series of interviews with various participants in the conflicts in the Middle-East. The first person I “spoke” to (by email, actually) is Uri Avnery whose amazing life spans the entire history of Israel. From his political beginning as a 15 year old member of the terrorist group Irgun to becoming the founder of the most consistent Israeli peace group Gush
